Watching a streamer play Mega Man 8. It's not a bad Mega Man game
but it could be much better. I find Mega Man 9 and 10 to be much
better experiences. But enough about Mega Man. I'm here to talk
about gopher sites. I think there should be more of them. Like
much more! So, to that end I've decided to create already runs tor and i2p on a FreeBSD server. I'm
going to add more services such as IRC later. But the primary
thing is that I want to run a gopher service that has documen-
tation on the various ways one can benefit from security and
privacy. Additionally I want user accounts of course, and a
directory of other gopher systems that is easily accessible.
I'm running the system on a Digital Ocean instance, but I've
heard that Hetzner offers OpenBSD servers, so if for some reason
this doesn't work out, I'll switch to them(maybe). I know of
one person who runs a OpenBSD server and I believe he uses
Hetzer for it. He runs So yeah, exciting 