Saturday 27 July 2024 Scary thoughts on the future of the open source desktop ======================================================= In their blog [1], Chris outlines some future paths for the open source desktop. It paints a future where the open source desktop environments like KDE and Gnome opt for a Wayland-only path. It also states that Wayland is Linux-specific, leaving other open source operating systems in the cold. I don't know much about Wayland, but I can understand the way of thinking of the blog post. Of course, we have been using X for decades, first with XFree86, and later with Xorg, and that worked perfectly fine. The non-Linux operating systems could continue to use X. The blog post states that when the major desktop environments choose to go Wayland-only, bigger applications would follow. The blog mentions Firefox, but I think this might also apply to important applications like LibreOffice. No need of a desktop environment -------------------------------- Personally, I have no need for a desktop environment. Just a window manager (like ratpoison) is good enough. But the danger is not so much in the desktop environments, but in the applications. The loss of some major applications on our BSD dekstop machines would be devastating. LibreOffice, Gimp and others ----------------------------- LibreOffice is an important part of the open source desktop eco system, and so is Gimp, and some other desktop applications. For many people this will be a definite showstopper, reducing the already relative small group of users of BSD on the desktop. Emacs ----- Emacs is part of the GNU project, and will follow the pathway of it. GNU is of course aimed at Linux, and with Guix as their operating system, Emacs will follow where Guix will go. Fortunately, Guix does not use systemd, but their own init system. However I wouldn't be surprised if Guix also goes the Wayland-only way. The manual already mentions a way to enable it [2]. Emacs is of course also an important part of the open source desktop eco system. If that would go Wayland-only it would be a great loss. BSD --- Perhaps there is not much reason to worry. I am not in the position to judge on this. In their blog post, Chris mentions that FreeBSD is working on a way to incorporate Wayland API's in order to be able to run applications like Gnome. The domination of Linux in the open source world is scary nonetheless. Times have changed. Linux is not the only player, and it used to be just one of the open source operation systems, where each system was benefiting from the developments in the others. The balance is gone which results into dangers like this. [1]: [2]: Last edited: $Date: 2024/07/27 09:17:39 $