`deleted` [Thread]

Back when I was 12 years old, there was a kind of a UFO craze led by
some cult that claimed the UFOs would be coming on a certain date. As
the date got closer, there was more and more media hype and I remember
everyone was talking about this at school and in the news. On the night
slated for the UFO, alot of people in my neighborhood gathered in the
street and it became kind of a social event. I was just a kid and the
idea was pretty scary so i stayed in. Very late into the night I looked
out the window and the moon was pale white and spinning like a plate on
its edge. I ducked under the covers and fell asleep at some point.

The next day, no one seemed to know what I was talking about or even
remembered the UFO craze that was so popular the day before. No one
remembered anything about a cult or gathering in the streets. Nothing on
the news. This was before the internet so I could not check on line for

  [Thread]: https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q0sgj/what_is_a_mystery_that_creeps_you_out_the_most/c3tu7aq/