`summerstay` [Thread]

I used to work at Philips, up near Sleepy Hollow in New York. At my
lunch breaks, I liked to wander through the forest on the work property.
One beautiful October day, I was admiring the autumn leaves when I saw a
buck standing in front of me. There's a word, numinous, for feeling in
the presence of something spiritual, something unworldly. That's how I
felt. I quietly and carefully stepped closer to get a better view. I was
able to approach quite close: almost close enough to touch him. At that
moment, though, the deer turned, and I felt all the hair on my arms
rise. The deer's eyes were red and dripping with blood. It must have had
some disease that had blinded it and its blindness allowed me to get so
close. In the moment, though, it was terrifying and uncanny.

  [Thread]: https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2hqjp8/stories_creepypasta_are_great_but_does_anyone/ckvecuj/