`dcikid12` [Thread]

I am not big in the paranormal activity but sometimes weird things
happen. I used to work at the Winchester House in San Jose as a tour
guide. Working there is a bit odd, as the tour groups are an combination
of ghost hunters, school groups, and people dragging their local friends
on tours. When we finish a tour, the last tour guide will have to do
check the tour route of the house to make sure there are no stragglers
on random people walking through it. It happens from time to time in
large groups. The house is immense on the inside with lots of hallways
and few signs that say "exit." If you have taken the tour, there a
sitting room right next to a seance room connected to a narrow hallway.
It was approximately 5pm and I had just completed my last tour and the
supervisor told me to check the house and I did. As I was going through
the house, I heard what I thought were footsteps in front of me in the
hallway connecting to those rooms. As I walked by the sitting room the
rocking chair was rocking ever go gently. This is a heavy chair and that
part of the house has no draft. No thinking of it, I went into the room
and stopped the chair from swaying. I then continued to check the house
and I heard footsteps from behind me, not heavy like mine but something
lighter. I did an about face and went back toward the noise and that
rocking chair was swaying again. As I stood there, I felt a stiff breeze
and the chair started moving faster. I bailed out the house without even
checking some of the greater depths. I hit my head on a low beam and did
not even stop.

  [Thread]: https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2hqjp8/stories_creepypasta_are_great_but_does_anyone/ckvcwju/