`tastybabysoup` [Thread]

Warning: This is gross and is the reason I can't eat chicken sandwiches.

The story goes that a girl ordered a chicken sandwich from fast food
place: Lettuce, tomato, pickles but NO mayonnaise. So she gets her
sammie, drives off and begins to eat it in the car. All of a sudden she
gets a big mouthful of what she assumes in mayonnaise. With her sandwich
ruined and her being too far away from the joint to ask them to fix it,
she just decides to eat something at home and wrap the chicken sandwich
back up. Later, she gets rushed to the hospital to have her stomach
pumped. Turns out there was no mayonnaise in the sandwich and the
substance was determined to be PUS FROM A GOD DAMN TUMOR THE CHICKEN

I know how many inaccuracies this story has, I know that's not how fast
food chicken is made...but since I read that, I have been terrified to
eat a chicken sandwich. God dammit, now I'm all skeeved out again.

  [Thread]: /r/AskReddit/comments/29n87n/what_urban_legend_terrifies_you_the_most/ciml61f/