`deleted` [Thread]

When I was 16 years old, my parents left for to weekend to go to Reno
(we lived in Washington state at the time) and I was home alone. I got
home from school that Friday night, excited to have the house to myself,
and began mindlessly channel-surfing in our living room. The way that
the living room was designed was that to the right of the television,
were a set of glass doors that looked out to the back yard. The yard was
bordered by about a ten foot hill covered with ivy, at maybe a 30-degree
incline. It was about dusk and the brightness of the TV was kind of
dominating the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I see some movement in
the backyard. I initially disregarded it, thinking it was just a
neighborhood cat or something. Then I noticed the movement again... I
went and pressed my face directly against the glass, only to see a grown
man hunched in the ivy, slowly inching his way towards the house. The
second I spotted him; our eyes met. There was one small second of "oh,
shit..." on both our parts, and then the motherfucker BOLTED through the
yard, hopped the fence, and I never saw him again. Figure he was there
to rob the house or something, but still... It was eleven years ago and
I still get the heebiest of jeebies thinking about it.

  [Thread]: https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/29hgzt/what_is_the_creepieststrangest_thing_that_has/cil5ef1/