`lobstah4` [Thread]

Went to see *The Sixth Sense* when it first came out with my wife. Had
just moved into our new house, and my wife was pretty shaky when we came
home. We didn't have kids at this point. She insisted that I go through
all of the rooms in the house to check for... who knows what. Being a
dutiful husband, I eyerollingly went through all of the bedrooms, and
was finishing up in the guest bathroom. The door was ajar, and I pushed
it open... and heard, right next to my head, the *loudest, most
blood-curdling scream ever*.

Turns out that the cat was behind the door and somehow had its tail in
the jamb-- and when I opened it, it got pinched.

Fuck, man.

  [Thread]: /r/AskReddit/comments/1f9i14/what_is_the_scariestcreepiest_thing_you_have/ca85yd2/