
Stardate: 20200622.1806
Location: Garage
Input Device: COW (Computer On Wheels)
Audio: Barking Dog
Visual: Garage clutter, MATE desktop
Energy: 50% 
Mental: 60
Emotional:  OK, with a bit of uncertainty.


The Tree of Song (ToS) has received some upgrades!  I ended up with 
another wheeled base from an office chair to repurpose so I decided 
to make another tree since I also had some spare fence poles.  I 
guess they should now be called Trees of Song since there are two of 

DJ Buttstuf had gifted me with his old Pioneer DJM-600 mixer during 
his giveaways show!  SO RAD, THANK YOU DJ BUTTSTUF!!!  This arrived 
last week and was securely packed to survive the shipping.  It looks 
like he took really good care of it.  I've been messing around with 
the different features and plugging it into various sources.  I am 
hesitant in adding the mixer to the ToS since it is such a nice unit 
and I don't want it so exposed to the heat and dust in the garage.  
For the meantime, I have been keeping it in a brief case and 
connecting it to the tree during the tree sessions.  I hope create 
some music with it and learn some things about DJing.

Upgrades to the Tree(s) of Song (ToS):

Current configuration of tree01:
 - Asus Eeepc 701 (purchase from a friend a long time ago)[4]
 - Motorcycle amp 100w amp (repurposed from riding days)[2]
 - Cybah Keyboard (originally new, used for several projects)[8]
 - Ground lights (repurposed from riding days)
 - AC lighter socket (new from Radio Shack fire sale)[1]
 - 5 port switch 10/100 switch (repurposed office equipment)[3]
 - chicken wire mount for switch (new from OSH fire sale)
 - Cable tubing  (new from Radio Shack fire sale)
 - Murray's switch box (repurosed pomade container)[2]

This is the configuration of the new tree02: [6],[7],[10], [11], [12]
 - Chainlink Fence pole (repurposed from neighbor's trash)
 - Wheeled office chair base (repurposed from broken chair)
 - Raspberry Pi 3 b+ (previously on tree01)[8]
 - VGA monitor and stand (repurpose office equipment)
 - LED with mason jar diffuser showing current time. (repurposed)
 - Head of Deirdre (repurposed)[9]
 - EL wire + USB adapter (new from Radio Shack fire sale)
 - USB hub with switches (clearance from Think Geek)
 - RAM mounts (repurposed from riding days)
 - Mesh baskets (garbage sale find)
 - DJ Buttstuf's old mixer[5]
