title: "Laser distance meter update: serial commands, timing measurements"
date: 2013-10-16

In [my first post](/arduino-laser-distance-meter/) about the laser distance
meter I asked for help finding usable commands to control the unit, and within
days reader [speleomaniac](/parsing-laser-distance-meter-serial-output/#speleomaniac)
had found a command format and several commands. Let's have a look! But first
I'll explain some timing measurements that people have been emailing about.

## Timing measurements

The unit is able to take just over 1 measurement per second using the
single-shot __`*00004#`__ command on a flat surface (see below). However there is
also a __rapid-fire mode__ which can be activated by holding the ON button for
about 1000mS. So far I haven't found a serial command to begin rapid-fire mode
(edit: the command is __`*00084553#`__, scroll down for details). In rapid-fire mode,
the unit takes 100 measurements in quick bursts, and it's capable of scanning
just over 3 measurements per second off a smooth, reflective surface. When the
laser beam is scanned across soft or bumpy surfaces the measurements take
longer, and when the laser beam is out of range or shaky, the unit will output
an error and continue until it has attempted all 100 measurements. The output
for each failed measurement is:

OUT_RAN dist = 18
OUT_RAN dist = 31
OUT_RAN dist = 30

I've uploaded a text file containing raw sensor measurements, with timestamps
added at the beginning of each line to show the speed. It can be downloaded
here: [ut390b_laser_timing.txt](./files/ut390b_laser_timing.txt).

## Commands
### Command __`*00001#`__

  Outputs the message

   pMsgWrite TRUE 
   pInitDataWrite TRUE

### Command __`*00002#`__

  Takes 3 readings, screen shows "Er". Outputs the 3 measurements in array notation (distance is 103.7mm):

  u32Dist[0]=1037  u32Dist[1] =1037 u32Dist[2] =1037
  u32temp =0

  See below for an explanation of the last line ending in 42#.

### Command __`*00004#`__

  Takes 1 measurement, screen shows the measurement. Outputs the measurement like this: (distance is 112.7mm)

  Dist: 1127,curtemp =22 

  nDist: 1127,tempDv=0

  See below for an explanation of the last line ending in 84#.

### Command __`*00005#`__

  Memory dump. I'm not sure why, but some measurements are recorded to the
  unit's nonvolatile memory. Not all measurements are stored -- measurements that
  will be stored will display the following additional message:

  Dist: 3122,curtemp =21 

  nDist: 3122,tempDv=0

  WriteTestData TRUE

  The memory dump command outputs these recorded measurements in the following format:

field:  aaaaabbbbbccccccccddddddddeeeeeeeeffffffffgggggggghhh
values: 0024500001000001850000018700000000000000000000000061#

<font class=r>00245</font>\
<font class=b>00001</font>\
<font class=g>00000185</font>\
<font class=pp>00000187</font>\
<font class=pk>00000000</font>\
<font class=br>00000000</font>\
<font class=b>00000000</font>\

  These fields are, in order:

  1. [Command type]{.a} (memory dump)
  2. [Counter]{.b} (starts at 00001 and counts up)
  3. [First measurement]{.c}
  4. [Second measurement]{.d}
  5. [Third measurement]{.e}
  6. [Fourth measurement]{.f}
  7. [Fifth measurement]{.g}
  8. [Checksum]{.h}

  Not all measurements will be recorded on a given line (I'm not sure why). The
  checksum format is as follows: interpret the data bytes between * and # as
  2-digit base-10 integers, and add them together (skipping the checksum). Mod
  the resulting value by 100. For example:
       +00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00 = 161
  161 % 100 = 61
  Which gives the resulting checksum of 61. This can be used to verify the serial
  output of the unit.

### Command __`*100515#`__

  Turns on laser light (seems to freeze the screen, and the buttons no longer work).

### Command __`*100111#`__

  Some kind of memory dump. I've seen between 1-3 lines of output for this command, depending on how many times the laser has been used. Typical output looks like this:

  curent ver:420411
  Where the highlighted values constantly fluctuate up and down (the 97 sometimes becomes 96, etc).

### Command __`*00084553#`__

  Begin rapidfire measurement.

### Command __`#`__

  Repeat previous command.

Thanks to all the readers who have offered info about this laser unit. Good luck!

.a,.b,.c,.d,.e,.f,.g,.h { font-weight: bold; font-family:monospace; }
.a {color: red}
.b {color: mediumblue}
.c {color: green}
.e {color: deepskyblue}
.g {color: orange}
.d {color: purple}
.f {color: magenta}
.h {color: limegreen}