~~[[ T H E G O P H E R L A W N ]]~~
Meta description of the gopher lawn.
_____[[ G_O_A_L_S ]]
Goals of THE GOPHER LAWN project.
* Categorize the interesting part of the gopherspace.
* Categorize useful links to telnet, ssh, usenet, bbs services.
_____[[ S_T_Y_L_E ]]
Writing the index file for a gopherhole is very easy. Just see the
files in the »db« directory in the repository: |
_____[[ N_A_M_I_N_G ]]
Category naming.
* The frontpage categories have to be self-describing. Unobvious naming will
lead to too much text, making the directory unusable.
* If some naming is too complex, make the internal search more practical.
* First reuse existing categories.
_____[[ L_I_N_K_I_N_G ]]
Linking guide.
* Pick a short name for the link.
* Add a description of what to find at that link and how it is related to the
* Try to avoid more than two lines of description.