# 2023-08-27 11:09:50.791435 UTC (+0000)

Bitreich IdleRPG is online.

Another goal of the post-brcon2023 hackathons has been reached: The
initial version of bitreich IdleRPG is running at


Please join in!

## How does it work?

You play by idling in the channel. If you do anything which is not idling
(part, join, text stuff), you get penalties on your idling counter. Every
five days for now you level up.

When you join, you are automatically assigned a hacker character, which
you will play.

There are some admins who can run commands without getting a penalty for
texting (but still all other penalties).


	@__20h__ | !info adc
	   annna | The hacker adc of the class windows_developer is using his
	    	   thinkpad_T_laptop hardware which is protected by
		   laughable_programming_style. adc's weapon is mouse. adc
		   has idled for 755 seconds and has reached level 0.

	@__20h__ | !info __20h__
	   annna | The hacker __20h__ of the class logo_programmer is using his
	           pinebook hardware which is protected by snakeoil. __20h__'s
		   weapon is oscilloscope. __20h__ has idled for 480 seconds
		   and has reached level 0.

## Development

More things will come. This is the initial commit and the prototype.

Happy idling!

Sincerely yours,

Chief Idling Officer (CIO)