The Gopher Times


         Opus 1 - Gopher news and more - Nov. 2021

  A Newspaper for Gopher                            josuah

   Starting  from  today, The Gopher Times is going to be
   published.  How  can  a  paper-oriented  journal  make
   sense in this hypermedia [1] era?

   Rather than  a  continuous  feed  of  upmost  shocking
   headlines,  The  Gopher  Times  publishes news you can
   read without a cookiewall or paywall.

   Paper newspapers go through a long  chain:  reporters,
   photographers,  redactors, editors, columnists, layout
   artists, typesetters,  printers,  carriers  and  other
   supportive technicians...  and are sold for a quarter.

   The web considerably shackled the landscape: the  high
   speed of computers made real-time text news a reality,
   where  time  from  Trump's  tweet   announcements   to
   publication is below a few hours.

   This journal diverts the present norm by 90° by  using
   troff(1)  as  its  foundation:  a typesetter producing
   static documents ready to be printed.

   A new markdown to troff converter [2] as  well  as  an
   entire custom macro  set  mw  [3]  are  built  to  fit
   screens of all shapes, and build-up the sensibility of
   an actual journal.
     term used by Roy Fielding (Apache httpd)

  This month in Nixers Book Club                    nixers

   There  are  a lot of books in a library, and it is the
   role of teachers to build up a sequence  of  books  to
   learn  a  topic.  This forum thread follows
   the path of Operating  System  and  UNIX  working  and

   The UNIX Programming Environment: from shell scripting
     to C programming with UNIX system calls by Kernighan

   The  UNIX-HATERS  Handbook:  A  semi-humorous   edited
     compilation  of  messages to the UNIX-HATERS mailing

   The Art of  Unix  Programming:  by  Eric  S.  Raymond,
     history and culture of Unix programming

   Computer Science from the Bottom Up: a shop class  for
     computer  science:  where do you go to learn what is
     under the hood?

  The good old web                                  nixers

   That  thread  in  the  forum  proposes  to
   recognize a website given a small screenshot.

   Hackers  sometimes  build  webpages  for  a   software
   project,  a community, even an error page, which never
   ever changed.  Website appearance sometimes enter deep
   into our memories.

   We remember places we lived in,  faces  of  people  we
   met...   but  also  how web pages look?  Are web pages
   like  places  we  frequently  visit?   You  might   be

  Analgram Authentication                              20h

   As  you   know, bitreich is  always ahead of  time and
   in  introducing new technology. We now  offer  members
   the authentication to all services via


   Via your analprint scan you  are   distinguished  from
   all other humans. No other human has such an analprint
   as you have. You are special.

   In case you want to authenticate, come  on  #bitreich-
   anal on IRC and send the picture of your analprint. We
   call this the analgram authentication. It  is  secure,
   cannot  be   easily copied  and the  biometric feature
   is hidden for most of your life. No simple  photo  can
   steal this credential.

   Current work is done to make this a standard  for  all
   U.S.  and  EU funded projects and contracts. Hopefully
   the future is anal-gram!

   Sincerely yours, Chief Backwater Officer (CRO)

  BAN Party on 2021-10-03                              20h

   This   Sunday, on  2021-10-03, at  13:00 UTC,  we will
   have another  BAN party, to play  the new Supertuxkart
   release.  There  are  new tracks, new drivers and more
   fun. For this BAN party  we set a new time  at 1pm, so
   friends  from  America  and Australia can join in at a
   natural time.

   Sincerely yours, Main Gaming Officer (MGO)

  BAN Party Results                                    20h

   Today  we  had   a  two part BAN  party. The first onw
   was teeworlds, since  this  was   easily  running  and
   through  a   community  effort  openra   in the newest
   appimage  got setup  in  some  virtualbox  debianesque
   setup   on  FreeBSD.  It  really  ran.  And  so   in a
   combined effort of Dutch Australian and German armies,
   we  defeated  the enemies using all  kind of weaponry,
   from naval to aircraft units. Long live Bitreich!

   Yes, it was very much fun.

   Next time with more players we can  play  even  bigger
   maps. Everyone is invited!

   Sincerely yours, Chief Gaming Officer (CGO)

  Other newspaper projects                          josuah

   OpenBSD  Webzine: As a complement to, the
     OpenBSD Webzine provides a condensed summary of what
     is new on OpenBSD.

   The  Webpage:  Aggregation  of  multiple  RSS   feeds,
     rendered  server-side into a paper newspaper looking
     page.  Similarly to The Gopher Times, the layout  of
     the document published is static.

   Low-Tech   Magazine:   This   magazine   published   a
     simplistic  version  for  its  solar-powered server,
     with dithered images and other  techniques  to  save
     bandwidth and reducing the workload server-side.

  10k Meme BAN party on 2021-10-31                     20h

   The  Bitreich Meme database is  approaching 10k memes.
   To celebrate this, we  will   hold  a  BAN   party  on
   2021-10-31  on   11:00  GMT  (12:00  CET). The time is
   adapted   so  bitreich   people   from   America   and
   Australia can join in at the same time.

   Games we will play:

   • OpenRA Dune2k, CNC and RA Be sure to have a  current
     version due to multiplayer protocol changes.

   • Teeworlds

   • SuperTuxKart on extreme level Be  sure  to  run  the
     newest  version  because  of  new  race  tracks  and

   • Armagetronad

   • Wireguard

   • Whatever game you like to play.

   Everyone is welcome. We will be using a mumble  server
   for   instant  audio  talk,  where  the   details  are
   revealed on #bitreich-en on   BAN  party  day.  Please
   join there to get further details.

   Sincerely yours, Chief BAN Officer (CBO)

  World of Animals                                   0x1bi

   Back  in the nineties when Windowds 3.1 was still very
   much a  thing,  my  old  man,  while  doing  his  post
   graduated  studies,  found  this story on some Russian
   usenet group, saved it, printed it out, posted  it  in
   his office.

   Years later he made  the  mistake  of  giving  me  the
   internet. And I found the same story, now on the world
   wide web.

   I've taken  the  time  to  translate  the  story  from
   Russian  to  English  such that everyone can enjoy the
   gifts of Russian usenet koans.

   Enjoy responsibly.

   >>  Медведь  был  безобpазным,  косолапым  и   гpязным
    животным.   Однако  добpее его не было никого во всем
    лесy. Hо звеpи замечали только его внешность, на  что
    Медведь  жyтко  обижался,  ловил их и жестоко избивал
    ногами. Поэтомy звеpи его  не  любили.  Хотя  он  был
    очень  добpым. И веселым. Он любил задоpные шyтки. За
    эти шyтки звеpи его скоpо жyтко возненавидели и били.
    Да, тpyдно быть на свете добpым и веселым.

   The bear was  a  filthy,  clumsy,  and  dirty  animal.
   However,  no  one was as loving as he was in the whole
   forest. But the animals  only  saw  his  exterior,  to
   which  the bear became upset, caught them, and brutaly
   beat them with his  legs.  Even  though  he  was  very
   loving. And happy. He loved practical jokes. For these
   jokes the animals started to hate the  bear  and  beat
   him. Yes, it;s hard to be loving and happy.

   >> Волк был тоже безобpазным и гpязным. И еще  он  был
    очень  злым и жестоким. Hо звеpи не испытывали к немy
    ненависти и не били. Потомy,  что  Волк  yмеp  еще  в
    pаннем  детстве.  Потомy,  что Медведь pодился pаньше
    Волка. Да, хоpошо, когда Добpо побеждает Зло.

   The wolf was also filthy and dirty. He was  also  very
   evil  and  cruel.  But  the animals din't hate him and
   didn't beat him. Because the wolf died  early  in  his
   childhood.  Because the bear was born before the wolf.
   Yes, it's good when good triumphs over evil.

   >> Заяц тоже был злым и жестоким. И гpязным. И еще  он
    был тpyсливым. Гадостей Заяц никомy никогда не делал.
    Потомy, что боялся. Hо его  все  pавно  сильно  били.
    Потомy, что Зло всегда должно быть наказано.

   The rabbit was also evil and cruel. And dirty. He  was
   also  a  coward. The rabbit never commited any evil as
   he was scared. But he was still beaten.  Because  evil
   must be punished.

   >> И Дятел тоже был злым и жестоким. Он не бил звеpей,
    потомy,  что  y него не было pyк. Поэтомy, он вымещал
    свою злость на деpевьях. Его не били. Потомy, что  не
    могли  дотянyться.  Однажды  его  пpидавило  насмеpть
    yпавшее деpево.   Поговаpивали,  что  оно  отомстило.
    После  этого  звеpи  целый  месяц боялись мочиться на
    деpевья. Они мочились на Зайца.  Заяц  пpостyдился  и
    yмеp.  Всем было ясно, что во всем был виноват Дятел.
    Hо его не тpонyли.  Посколькy  не  смогли  выковыpять
    из-под  yпавшего  деpева.  Да,  Зло  иногда  остается

   The woodpecker was also evil and cruel. He didn't beat
   animals,  as  he  didn't have any arms. So he took his
   anger out on trees. He was not beaten, as no one could
   reach  him.  One  day a tree crushed him to death. The
   animals said it took revenge. After that, then animals
   were  afraid of pissing on trees for a month.  Instead
   they pissed on the rabbit. The rabbit got a  cold  and
   died.  Everyone knew that the woodpecker was at fault.
   But he wasn't beaten, as no one could get him out from
   the   fallen   tree.   Yes,   sometimes  evil  remains

   >> Кpот был маленьким и слепым. Он  не  был  злым.  Он
    пpосто  хоpошо делал свое дело. Это он подъел деpево,
    котоpое yпало на дятла. Об этом  никто  не  yзнал,  и
    поэтомy  его  не избили.  Его вообще били pедко. Чаще
    пyгали. Hо его было очень тpyдно испyгать, потомy что
    он  был  слепой  и не видел, что его пyгают. Когда не
    yдавалось испyгать Кpота, звеpи очень  огоpчались.  И
    били  Медведя.  Потомy,  что  им  было  очень обидно.
    Однажды Медведь тоже захотел испyгать Кpота. Hо  Кpот
    не   испyгался.    Потомy,   что  Медведь  его  yбил.
    Hечаянно.  Пpосто  Медведь  был  очень  неyклюжим.  И
    звеpи  его очень сильно избили. Даже, несмотpя на то,
    что Медведь сказал, что пошyтил.  Плохо,  когда  твои
    шyтки никто не понимает.

   The mole was small and blind. He was not evil. He just
   did  his job really well.  It was he who dug under the
   tree which fell on the woodpecker. No one  knew  about
   his  digging  and  he  was  not  beaten. He was rarely
   beaten. More often scared. But it was really  hard  to
   scare  him as he was blind, and didn't see that he was
   being scared. When the animals were  unable  to  scare
   the  mole  they  became very upset. And beat the bear.
   One day the bear decided to sacre  the  mole.  But  he
   didn't   scare   the  mole.  Because  he  killed  him.
   Accidentally. As he was very clumsy. And  the  animals
   brutally  beat  him  for killing the mole, even though
   the bear said it was a prank. It's unfortunate when no
   one understands your pranks.

   >>  Лиса  была  очень  хитpой.  Она   могла   запpосто
    обхитpить  кого yгодно. Когда ей это yдавалось, то ее
    не били. Hо иногда ей не везло. И ее били. Били  всем
    лесом.  И  она  yже  не  могла кого-нибyдь обхитpить.
    Потомy, что очень тpyдно го-нибyдь  обхитpить,  когда
    тебя  бьют.  Однажды  ее  избили до смеpти. Да, жилда
    всегда на пpавдy выйдет.

   The fox was very cunning. She  could  easily  outsmart
   anyone.  When  she could outsmart someone, she was not
   beaten. But when she coudln't, she was beaten.   Hard.
   And  at  that  point  she couldn't outsmart anyone, as
   it's  hard  to  outsmart  someone  when  you're  being
   beaten.  One  day  she was beaten to death. Yes, truth
   will always come to light.

   >> Кабан был большой,  сильный  и  стpашный.  Его  все
    очень  боялись. И поэтомy его били только всем лесом.
    Или пpосто кидали в него камнями. Кабан  этого  очень
    не  любил.  И  однажды  ночью  он спpятал все камни в
    лесy. За это его очень сильно  избили.  Больше  Кабан
    никогда  не  пpятал  камни.  Воистинy говоpят - вpемя
    собиpать камни и вpемя их не тpогать никогда.

   The boar was big,  strong,  and  scary.  Everyone  was
   scared  of  him. That is why he was always beaten with
   the whole forest.  Or  simply  stoned  him.  The  boar
   didn't  like that. One day he hid all of the stones in
   the forest. For the he was beaten really  hard.  After
   that,  the  boar  never  hid  stones. And so they say,
   there is time to collect stones, and time to not touch

   >> Козел не был ни злым,  ни  добpым.  Он  был  пpосто
    Козел.   н  часто  козлил.  И  его боялись бить. И он
    своим козловством всех достал. И тогда его избили  до
    смеpти.  Потомy,  что  иначе  он бы yмеp от стаpости.
    Когда-нибyдь.  Когда  Козел  yмеp,   Медведь   сильно
    плакал.  Потомy,  что  он  в  тайне любил Козла.  Да,
    любовь зла, полюбишь и Козла.

   The goat was neither good nor evil. He was a goat.  He
   often  goated.  And the animals were scared of beating
   him. With his goatness he got on everyones nerves. And
   he  was  beaten  to  death, because otherwise he would
   have died of old age. Someday. After  the  goat  died,
   the  bear  cried,  because he secretly loved the goat.
   Yes, love is a cruel mistress.

   >> Ежик был маленький и колючий. Он кололся. Он не был
    злым,  он  кололся  по своей пpиpоде. Из-за этого его
    били только в живот.  Ежик  этого  не  любил  и  стал
    бpиться  наголо. И тогда его стали бить как всех. Да,
    очень тpyдно быть не таким как все.

   The hedgehog was small and prickly. He wasn't evil, he
   was  prickly by his own nature. For that he was beaten
   exclusively  in  the  stomach.  And  so  the  hedgehog
   started  shaving bald. And he was beaten like everyone
   else. Yes, it's hard to be not like everyone else.

   >> Скyнс был почти таким, как Заяц.  Hо  только  очень
    нючим.   Он   плохо   пахнyл.   Его   били  только  в
    полиэтиленовом  пакете.  Тогда  запах  был  не  такой
    сильный.  Однажды  y  Скyнса  был  день  pождения. Он
    пpигласил всех звеpей, потомy, что был жадным и любил
    подаpки.  И  звеpи  подаpили емy новый полиэтиленовый
    пакет. И сильно избили до потеpи  сознания.  И  Скyнс
    задохнyлся  в пакете. Так его и похоpонили. В пакете.
    В очень Дальнем Лесy. Потомy, что меpтвый Скyнс вонял
    еще  сильнее. Потом пpишли жители Очень Дальнего Леса
    и  в  сех  сильно  избили.  Им  не  понpавился  запах
    меpтвого Скyнса. Да, с соседями надо жить в миpе.

   The skunk was very much like rabbit. But very  smelly.
   He  was beaten only inside a plastic bag, because then
   the smell wasn't as bad.  One  day  the  skunk  had  a
   birthday  party,  and he invited all of the animals as
   he was greedy and he loved presents. The  animals  got
   him  a new plastig bag. And then proceeded to beat him
   until loss of consciousness. The skunk then suffocated
   inside  the  bag.  That  is  how he was buried. In the
   plastic bag. In the very far away forest,  as  a  dead
   skunk  smelt  worse  than  a  living  skunk.  Then the
   animals from the very far away forest  came  and  beat
   everyone  hard. They didn't like the smell of the dead
   skunk. Yes, you must love your neighbour.

   >> Хомяк был тоже очень жадным. И богатым. Если бы  он
    делился  своим богатством, его бы били не так сильно.
    Hо он был очень жадным. За это его били сильно. И емy
    все  pавно  пpиходилось делиться. И он гоpько плакал.
    Да, богатые тоже плачyт.

   The hasmter was also very  greedy.  And  rich.  If  he
   shared his riches he woudn't be beaten as hard. But he
   was greedy. And he was beaten hard. And he  still  had
   to share his riches. For that he cried. Yes, even rich
   people cry.

   >> Лев был цаpь звеpей. Он пpавил лесом. Цаpей бить не
    положено.  Это закон. Hо звеpи давно забили на закон.
    Звеpи били и льва. Hи за  что.  Потомy,  что  так  yж
    здесь повелось.

   The lion was king. He ruled  the  forest.  You're  not
   supposed  to  beat  kings.  Such  is  the law. But the
   animals gave a fuck about the law. They beat the lion.
   Why? That's just how things go in forest.

   >> Моpаль: А зоpи здесь тихие...

   Moral: Sunrises here are quiet...

  Publishing in The Gopher Times                       you

   Want   your   article  published?   Want  to  announce
   something to the Gopher world?   Directly  related  to
   Gopher  or not, reach us on IRC with an article in any
   format, we will handle the rest.
