Subj : ARRL Radiograms (1)
To   : All
From : Daryl Stout
Date : Mon Apr 08 2019 07:36 am

                   ARRL Numbered Radiograms

  The letters ARL are inserted in the preamble, in the check, and in
the text before the spelled out numbers, which represent texts from
this list. Note that some ARL texts include insertion of numerals.
For additional information about traffic handling, consult The ARRL
Operating Manual, published by the ARRL. ARL NUMBERS SHOULD BE SPELLED

  Radiograms that are under group 1, emergency or priority messasges,
which originate from official sources MUST carry the signature of the
originating official. Radiograms SIXTY and SIXTY TWO, under group 2,
routine messages, can be used for all holidays.

  Please observe the following ARRL provisions for PRECEDENCES in
connection with written message traffic. These provisions are designed
to increase the efficiency of our service in both normal times and in


EMERGENCY           Any message having life and death urgency to any
                    person or group of persons, which is transmitted
                    on Amateur Radio in the abscence of regular
                    commercial facilities. This includes official
                    messages of welfare agencies during emergencies
                    requesting supplies, materials, or instructions
                    vital to relief of stricken populace in emergency
                    areas. During normal times, it will be VERY RARE.
                    On CW/RTTY, this designation will ALWAYS be spelled
                    out. When in doubt, do not use it.

PRIORITY            Use abbreviation P on CW/RTTY. This classification
                    is for
                    A) important messages having a specific time limit
                    B) official messages not covered in the emergency
                    C) press dispatches and emergency-related traffic
                    not of the UTMOST urgency
                    D) notice of death or injury in a disaster area,
                    personal or official.

WELFARE             This classification, abbreviated as W on CW/RTTY,
                    refers to either an inquiry as to the health and
                    welfare of an individual in the disaster area, or
                    an advisory from the disaster area that indicates
                    all is well. Welfare traffic is handled ONLY AFTER
                    all emergency and priority traffic is cleared. The
                    Red Cross equivalent to an incoming Welfare message
                    is DWI (Disaster Welfare Inquiry).

ROUTINE             Most traffic in normal times will bear this designation.
                    In disaster situations, traffic labeled Routine (R on
                    CW/RTTY) should be handled last, or not at all when
                    circuits are busy with higher precedence traffic.

NOTE: The precedence always follows the message number. For example, a
message number may be 207 R on CW and "Two Zero Seven Routine" on phone.
--- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32
 * Origin: RadioWxNet: The Thunderbolt BBS (801:1/2)