Subj : QWK Readers for FreeBSD
To   : Atroxi
From : Hakuchi
Date : Fri Sep 11 2020 08:54 pm

-=> Atroxi wrote to Hakuchi <=-

 At> Void Linux and I was quite surprised that until now I haven't removed
 At> FreeBSD on my laptop. It's unfortunate actually that steam doesn't work
 At> as well as on linux than on here because that's the only thing that's
 At> keeping the Void Linux install on my desktop box.

	Don't have a clue about Steam on FBSD or any other BSD ... I know it runs ok
on GNU, but that's about it. I don't game, you see. Well not like that I don't

 At>  Man, I'm really curious with OpenBSD now. I don't know if it would
 At> make sense for someone like me to run it. I don't really "study"
 At> computers on an academic level and are not, currently, interested in
 At> deeper operating system stuff. I heard that if you want to learn more
 At> about how operating systems work that you should try using OpenBSD
 At> because the codebase is smaller and the community are helpful in
 At> teaching you stuff around it.

	Well ... OBSD is surely it's own puffy-thing. Even for people who aren't
really interested or curious about how things are done "the proper way", can
see the beauty of proper code and such. Of course it's not developed for users.
It's done by the devs for themselves. But one of the most secure thingies OOB
that is out there.
If something, I would like to see Qubes-like OS made with OBSD and with the
same attitude towards security and code integrity and robustness.

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