Subj : KISS TNC with paKet
To   : All
From : Rotorek
Date : Wed Apr 24 2024 04:46 am

Hello everyone,

I've finished my vp-digi TNC board (KISS enabled board, not a fully featured TNC with AGW) and I'm playing with packets.

I'm able to use the TNC just fine using e.g. QtTermTcp in linux or Tera Term on windows, but there's one computer where I'd like to run a DOS terminal app. I've read somewhere that paKet is one of the better terminals for DOS, so I wanted to give it a try.

When I run it, it displays a message saying that it can't find the TNC. But, I can send commands to the TNC just fine using the terminal and I see it's responses. And the TNC starts in KISS mode after startup. So, it should just work. However, when I tell paKet to make a call to a station using the Alt-C command -- I see only 'CONNECT' message in the output window and nothing else happens.

So, I'm not sure if I'm missing something. It seems like paKet should support KISS enabled devices. So, is there a need for some driver to make KISS work in DOS ?

73 de OK4ME aka Rotorek

.... A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered mind.