________  ________  ________
   2019-05-21                                   /        \/        \/    /   \
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   So if y'all have been  around or speaking  /        _/         /         /
to me when the ops are asleep you'd know I'm  \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_
having some "supply issues". The markets are    /        \/        \/    /   \
in the  throes of a  huge upheaval  which is   /        _/         /_       _/
making everyone justifiably  cautious  which  /-        /        _/         /
in  turn  is  making  it  hard  to  operate,  \________/\________/\___/____/
limiting what consumers  like me have access

   I'd been  dry for  probably  a  month  maybe, it's hard to tell  because it
always feels longer than it actually is, and the person I had been speaking to
was out of what  I'd normally buy but he recommended  Robitussin  while we got
stuff sorted out. He'd mentioned  it previously because he liked using it with
codeine, the combo resulting in a soft, comfy cloud.

   The idea was hilarious to me  because it's such a goofy thing to mess with,
in my mind it was the kind of drug  kids sneak from the medicine cabinet while
their parents are away to pretend to get high in their bedrooms. The dude  has
a  good  measure of what works though and I've been feeling very offline so  I
gave it a slam.

   It's fuckin' gross. I hate the smell and the taste and how thick and sticky
it is but boy it was a fun ride.

   I didn't  even realize how strong it was, I took a big gulp while I was out
and about doing chores. It sunk in a bit while I was riding a tram, everything
was pretty good, I was happy and music sounded really great.  Then I  tried to
stand up to get off the tram and oh man, the whole world got spongy  around me
like  it was made of thick, soft blankets.  It was delightful. Like a barefoot
walk on warm sand.

   Physically it did  feel a lot like codeine or similar,  I wasn't  expecting
such a nice comfiness, but my head was a write off. The thing that draws me to
codeine is that I can keep working. My body gets  out of the  way but my brain
keeps sparking and it's such a  good way to work. The robo not  so much. I was
on the moon, a legit spaceman. I drifted around just  zoning out and absorbing
sights and sounds but wasn't capable of much else.

   The comedown was quite pleasant  too,  not unlike codeine in that it rolled
off pretty smoothly and didn't  leave me  feeling rubbish,  except for a faint
sourness in my stomach. It was a surprisingly good time.

   It's also a lot easier to get than most of my other chemical vices.

   Anyway, to conclude; winners don't use drugs and dextromethorphan or "robo"
or "dex" or whatever you want to call it is a stupid drug for idiot kids.

   I recommend it.