________  ________  ________
   2019-05-19                                   /        \/        \/    /   \
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   Wow. Where do I even start?                /        _/         /         /
   When  I  last wrote  I  was talking about    /        \/        \/    /   \
some  bad  omens around the yard  that  were   /        _/         /_       _/
stressing me out  about  life and I did want  /-        /        _/         /
to circle back on that because  when we were  \________/\________/\___/____/
back in the yard this past Monday, doing the
final preparations for the wedding there was  one  "omen"  that  I  completely

   There's  a scythe hanging in the tree  that  none of  us noticed. A literal
scythe.  Hahaha. I'm guessing whoever used it last just hung it  up  there and
forgot about  it  but the ridiculousness of it helped  me shake  off the gloom
from the stuff I saw a few weeks back.

   We went back  to  Adelaide this time  last week to do the  last little bits
before the wedding, we got the yard all done and decorated, organized food and
flowers and then on Tuesday the whole thing happened.

   We took off early and my brother and I went to collect my close friend from
the airport, he was the only one of  my friends that was able  to make  it but
that's ok, it was short notice and on a weekday so I can't be mad about it.

   After  we  collected  him  we went by to  pick up  the  food and some other
supplies and then went by  my brother's place to chill out a bit. I wasn't too
stressed at this point, just regular stress. I had some meds in me settling my
wetware but I might write about that in a separate file.

   After we decompressed and hung out with my nephew  for a minute we  all got
fancied up and went on our way to my nana's  house for final setup and that is
when the anxiety really set in for me. I ended up  just whipping around trying
to set things up in a mad effort to outpace the event. Got drinks out, got the
stream stuff set up and music going.

   At some point my dad arrived, I haven't seen  him since my sister's wedding
almost 10 years ago and even then I was quite  distant from him because I  was
still sore about whatever  static was between us from my youth. I was  so glad
to see  him and I really couldn't  express how happy I was that he could come,
it was difficult  for  me to reach out  to him and  try  and  reconnect  and I
imagine it was  just as difficult for him to respond to me and to attend, that
also might be something I need to cover in more detail in another file.

   Because Dani's family is all over in Washington state they weren't able  to
attend in real life but we made the effort to include  them by live- streaming
the event for them, to facilitate that I picked up a gimbal and microphone for
the iPhone  so we had to set  all that  up but it proved  too  tempting for my
curious little nephew  and tiny  hands got the better of the  fragile  motors,
compounding  my stress to the point that the celebrant came over and handed me
a drink and told me to back off of it hahaha.

   Our celebrant was  an actual angel.  We're  difficult people  to work  with
because we're extremely anxious but she  was amazingly disarming and knew just
when we needed a push and when we needed some space. I won't name her here but
if you're looking  for a  celebrant in Australia please get in contact with me
and I'll happily pass on her details.

   By the  time the  ceremony  proper  rolled around  I  was on autopilot  and
everything went  really well. My wife  was  beautiful,  I cried,  everyone was
glowing and there were so many smiles and hugs and then we were married!

   Our reception  was just a lazy picnic in the yard, my sister sniped us with
a speech that made us both cry, we drank a lot and ate a  lot and the cake was
beautiful and delicious and it was  all wonderful and then... well that brings
us to now.