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   2018-03-29                                   /        \/        \/    /   \
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   I think  about three  hundred years ago I  /        _/         /         /
said  I should do  at least  one  phlog post  \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_
explaining  the doll stuff  so if y'all  are    /        \/        \/    /   \
curious,  here  you  go,  enjoy this wall of   /        _/         /_       _/
text.                                         /-        /        _/         /
   A long while back I used to collect anime
figures and  was reasonably active on  the  various boards and groups, sharing
photos  and wish lists and all that good stuff. I'd also lurk on  the Japanese
image boards, checking out all  their photos. Back then the western doll scene
was still very  much grandma's bisque doll  collection and  those weird fabric
and wire ones that always  pop up in second  hand stores, I had no interest in
any of that at all, but the Japanese Dollfie scene was starting to  get pretty
popular over  there so you'd  see them pop up every now and then on  the image
boards and those kind of caught my eye.

   I  thought  the  crossover  between anime  fandom  to  dolls  was  kind  of
interesting, they were generally pretty and it was fun when you'd see one in a
costume you recognised or whatever, but they were not really my type of thing.
I found Dollfie faces really uninteresting, and still  do to be honest, worthy
of a  half-interested "huh!"  when a  doll thread  would start  on one  of the
boards but not much beyond that.

   Star wipe to a couple years  later and I've  developed a kind of tangential
interest  in  dolls through  things like Little Apple  Dolls and  Living  Dead
Dolls, edgy Hot Topic tier kind of things but hey I was young and spooky, shut
up. I still have the first  photos  from the  Toy Fair where they unveiled the
Little Apple Dolls  and I  completely fell in love with them  and I still have
the doll I bought as soon as it was released off the back of that unveiling. I
never did get any of the Living  Dead Dolls,  I think  I had a small wish list
but they always looked better in promotional photos than they did in the flesh
so I'd always end up passing them over.

   Now me  in love with  Little  Apple Dolls I started wondering about the big
Dollfie dolls and  thinking maybe  I could get one to customise into a  larger
version of one of the Little Apple Dolls or something like that, so I got back
into slinking around the anime figure and doll boards on Futaba, seeing mostly
the same kinds of Dollfies  I was seeing before  but then,  by  some wonderful
coincidence there was a thread on what I assume was any non-Volks (the company
behind the Dollfie  dolls) dolls and there were some really nice ones  around,
from one photo  or another I ended up  on  the website  for Dollmore, a Korean
doll company and there were two dolls on there; one called Momo and one called
Shall and  they were so beautiful,  that was  it, I  was absolutely  hooked. I
ended up  poring over the site  for  hours,  it  sounds ridiculous but  it was
genuinely  life-changing,  they  were fascinating  and resonated  with  me  so
strongly. They were unfortunately also very expensive.

   I think a little over a year later Dollmore released the limited edition of
their  Torrie doll sculpt called "Sweet Wind Memory Torrie"  and she stole  my
heart and I ordered her on  the spot,  price be damned, thus starting my ball-
jointed doll family.

   I  feel  like  I should throw in a little aside here to explain some stuff,
like what the heck I'm talking about.  Broadly, a ball-jointed doll is exactly
what the name implies; a  doll with ball-joints,  more specifically though the
ball-jointed doll or "BJD" (sometimes "ABJD") hobby refers to a style of ball-
jointed  doll  popularised  by the Volks Dollfie line  and,  though it's named
after  the  ball-jointed  dolls,  it  can  include   fashion  dolls  from  BJD
manufacturers or that are a similar scale like the Volks Dollfie Dream and the
"Smart" dolls but fuck that shit, I'm  a ball-joint purist. Predominately from
Japan, Korea  and China,  they're usually cast  in polyurethane resin and held
together with thick elastic. They come in a bunch of loose size categories and
are customised with face paint (commonly called a "face up"), glass or acrylic
eyes, wigs and clothes.

   I  think most of the hobby terms are fairly self-explanatory; sculpt refers
to the  doll's head, stringing/strung  refers to the  elastic that  holds  the
pieces in  place,  full set means the  doll comes with the face painted and an
outfit rather than just a blank doll, etc. Some terms that aren't so common in
the hobby though, but that I still use are "adopt" and "daughter", they always
sat  nicer  with me  than "buy" and "doll" - I dunno, it seem more respectful?
It's hard  to  explain. More  recently,  calling  your  dolls  "daughters" has
unfortunately  been  co-opted  a   bit  by  sleazy  post-anime  Dollfie  Dream
collectors to refer to their busty, bikini jerk-off fantasy dolls but that's a
story for another day hahaha. Yuck.

   Anyway, I'll plod on but hit me up  if I  throw around a term  that doesn't
make sense.

   So  taking that  leap from doll scene  hanger-on to  doll owner was quite a
step and  initially there was  some uneasiness initially because, obvious  now
but  it didn't click at the time, the dolls  are  made and painted by hand  to
order so won't be  identical to  the promotional photos and I was so  enamored
with the  Torrie on  the website that when mine arrived looking close-but-not-
exact I was kind of a little deflated. It's hard to even imagine how that felt
now, because  she's such an important part of  my life  that the idea  of ever
feeling  any kind  of disappointment towards her is so  alien.  She  was truly
beautiful though, and  any  ill-feelings were  short lived and likely as  much
wallet-shock as anything else.

   For a while she  was the only BJD I had and hadn't really been  looking for
another one, I once said  in a vlog (also a story for another time probably) a
long time ago that I adopt dolls from my heart, not my head.  I'm not  looking
for the next big thing, it just happens when it happens.

   And it happened, boy did it  happen.  About  two  years after I got Torrie,
Dollmore released a new line,  much larger than most BDJs, called Lusion Dolls
and  they  were  amazing.  Standing  79cm or  2'7",  beautifully sculpted  and
proportioned  somewhat  closer  to  a  child than  an  adult,  I was  in love.
Unfortunately, at over four times what I  paid for Torrie, a  Lusion  doll was
completely out of the question.

   Except I got one anyway.

   Not right away, I did sweat on  it a while, telling  myself that I couldn't
afford it and she wasn't  perfect blah blah blah  but I  think  a month or  so
after they released the line they released a limited edition full set that was
quite  interesting, she wasn't really what I  was looking for but the way they
did  the faceup for  her was  the  final piece for  me for what I wanted in  a
Lusion  doll. Luckilly Dollmore  were really accommodating and even though the
faceup  for the limited  edition one  was part  of  the selling  point  of the
limited they let me request a couple of small elements  from it for the doll I

   She's  a  Dollmore  Lusion Black Dahlia  doll  named Cosette who's  eyes  I
replaced  with a vivid blue and who's wig I  swapped from black to  blonde, as
far as I'm aware she was only  the  first or  second Lusion doll in Australia.
She's honestly my pride and joy,  my  girls are all a sight to see but between
her size, her mien  and her bright eyes Cosette just  draws in attention, even
photos don't do her justice. But I'm just gushing now, hahaha.

   At the end of that same  year, although  she didn't arrive until early  the
next year,  I adopted my third,  a limited "Punky" version of  Unidoll's  Cupi
sculpt who  I named  Loretta  - the story is  much the same as  with  Cosette,
lightning struck and I fell in love, but there's not much beyond that. Unidoll
were nice enough to change her body, the "Punky" Cupi dolls were boys but they
let me swap  out for a girl instead. There were some issues where the full set
was missing some stuff but that was all sorted out.

   And then that same year  I adopted two more girls. The first was completely
by accident, I was at an anime convention in Sydney and there was a BJD seller
in the vendors area and, I dunno, it's hard to describe, she was really pretty
but at the same time I wanted  to make her different? Either way,  it was that
same deep-heart click and I knew I wasn't going to leave without her  so  said
bye-bye  to all the money I  brought with me and adopted her  on the spot. She
ended up  riding  home  entirely unceremoniously, bundled  in  bubble wrap and
hotel towels in my  carry-on luggage  hahaha. She's a Dollzone Clovera sculpt,
her name is Ilsa.

   The second, and my last, came into being differently to all my other girls,
she's the  only one  that  wasn't  pure emotional impulse, she  started off as
equal parts doll I liked, doll concept  I wanted to create and a desire to try
harder to DIY  - unfortunately  for her  she's been sitting  in  a box, barely
worked on  since, because I  am horrible at  working on  things. She's another
Dollmore but a hybrid I put together from a couple of different dolls.

   I haven't adopted another girl  since, although there's been a couple times
I've come close. I just  feel like  it  isn't fair to her, new girls coming in
while she's patiently waiting in a box for me to get off my ass.

   So there's a quick(?) summary of how I got into the ball-jointed doll scene
and my small  family but I  might leave this here since it's getting long, and
do a separate file on my interactions  with and feelings towards the community
itself sometime in the future... whether you're interested or not! Hahahaha.