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   2017-06-23                                   /        \/        \/    /   \
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   Don't feel much  like writing  today  but  /        _/         /         /
also  don't want to fall  out of  the habit.  \_______/_\___/____/\___/____/_
Melbourne is fucking cold and my dumb job is    /        \/        \/    /   \
stressing  me  out but  they're my problems,   /        _/         /_       _/
not yours.                                    /-        /        _/         /
   We're closing in on Independence  Day and
that  means  almost a year  since Danielle and I were last in Washington and I
really miss it. I miss the friends  and family over there, I miss the food and
the beer. I  miss  the weather, but we were up there for Summer and I'm sure a
Pacific North West winter would SAD  me into oblivion.  I miss the attitude of
Americans and I miss how welcoming and unpretentious everyone was.

   I miss slouching  around  the mall with  an Orange Julius, I miss  standing
ankle-deep in crystal clear river waters. I miss the  smell of  pines and firs
and the sound of birds I don't recognise.

   I miss nothing better to do so sleep 'til noon, I miss 8,000 miles  between
me and the office.