IN DEFENCE OF UMN GOPHER There's been discussion amongst some phloggers about how strictly Gopher content should adheare to the Gopher standard in the modern age. With these things I generally prefer to practice than preach. It seems a bit of a silly discussion to me really, but perhaps I'm being ignorant. Who'd have thought originally that the Web would turn partly into a virtualised application platform with HTML just used as a sort of launcher? Or that the browsing of its more modern content would demand many multiples of the computing power that I personally require for any other personal computing task? Tacking on functionality is the path that it took, and my own stubborn attempts to quitely practice otherwise with websites I made sure didn't change any of that. But anyway for now I'll leave that discussion be. What I did pick up on was a bit of "UMN Gopher? Who'd use that old thing anyway?" sentiement in response to IanJ's original post which pointed out issues browsing some Gopher holes with it. I do mainly use UMN Gopher, and I'm not alone according to IanJ's poll here: gopher:// Maybe it's just because I'm a stick-in-the-mud using a PC from the mid 90s for my recreational internet browsing (which is actually possible on its own for all my recreational activities _except_ browsing the modern Web and watching videos - even HTML and TLS in email can actually be coped with by a Pentium 1), but I think it has some worthy features besides just being the first Gopher client. Navigation in UMN Gopher is quite similar to Tin, which I use for Usenet. It's easy to navigate around using just the arrow keys, especially _because_ most text content isn't in gophermaps so menu options are more concisely listed and don't require bouncing all around multiple screen-fulls of text which is what puts me off keyboard-orientated navigation of Web page links in browsers like Lynx. As in Tin, the line numbers assigned to each menu option also allow quickly jumping down a long list of options simply by typing in the assigned number. Other key assignments are admittedly wacky, and sometimes contradict the displayed instructions. I wont deny that UMN Gopher clearly suffers from being typical university-developed software where too many people were trying to get their own great ideas into it. But I think the text file viewer with its display of file size and percent of page position is very well suited to the job. Launchers for other file types can also be configured quite flexibly, although with a pretty wacky syntax. On the down side it does hide some selectors that it doesn't understand, such as 'd' for documents (PDF/Postscript). Also for browsing Git repos through GophHub I prefer to use a Gopher plug-in for Dillo because I like the HTML syntax-highlighting and Markdown rendering and UMN Gopher doesn't pass Gopher-downloaded HTML over to a web browser for viewing, just the gopher:// URL for it to open (or, more likely now, not). The tabs in Dillo are usually pretty handy for browsing source code via GophHub too. So no it's not ideal, but it's good enough for me, certainly lightweight enough to run on my old PCs, and better in some respects than any of the alternatives I've tried. I think there's good cause for me to use UMN Gopher, not just pretending it's the best simply because it was the first. Also it is still being maintained to the extent of still compiling for modern Linux with its Debian package, which is as much maintenance as I expect for such software anyway: Actually a lot of the software I use is in a similar sort of state (the text editer I'm writing this with, for example), and I'm perfectly fine with that too. The most annoying thing about the internet is that it allows other people to make their dislike of software I'm using _my_ problem, because they eventually find excuses for excluding it. On the phlog-posts-as-gophermaps navigation issue in UMN Gopher though, there is an easy work-around: Simply hit Shift-S while viewing the gophermap and save it to a (rendered) text file, then switch to another terminal and open that file using less, deleting it when you're finished. It's not so hard for the few times that it's required at the moment, though I would certainly get tired of doing it everywhere. - The Free Thinker Prior discussion: gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// gopher://