GOPHHUB UPDATES Wow it looks like I've been tweaking things with GophHub for a month and a half now! It's definately time to move onto something else for spare time, so I've finally published the script in the scripts section here, which I also tidied up a bit because it was turning into a mess. gopher:// The version running at Tilde.Club has been calling itself 1.0 for a while now, but now it might stop silently changing/breaking (not that I think it was being used enough by others that anyone would have noticed). gopher:// All the pending features listed in my last post have been applied, plus I thought up a few more such as showing the latest Git commit date and comment. It now does everything that I cared about from the official GitHub repo web interface, and I've been using it frequently because so much damn stuff is hosted on GitHub now! Next will probably be trying to implement support for Issues and Wikis, but for now they're still usable (albeit ugly) without Javascript on the GitHub website. One divergence from the GitHub website is that the display of the default README file below the root directory list of a Git repo is now limited to a 25-line preview in GophHub, because many READMEs are _huge_ and it seemed out of keeping with Gopher to dump them into a gophermap (where they can't be scrolled through in the UMN Gopher client anyway). The hardest part was converting relative and absolute links in HTML-rendered MarkDown/ASCIIdoc documents to point to GophHub locations for files and directories, or 'raw' download links for binary content (such as images). There's an absolute monstrosity of a GNU Sed command where I've done the link-rewriting using a long sequence of regular expressions. It was a real pain to get right, but document links now work better than they ever did browsing the GitHub website in Dillo. This does of course work best if you're using a web+gopher browser. I mainly use Dillo with the Gopher add-on by Charles E. Lehner: Note that, like the Gopher support in old versions of Firefox, that doesn't work with URL parameters on search items. So selecting the options settings at the GophHub homepage doesn't work (from other pages, it does). In Dillo it works if you set up search items like this in dillorc (one for directories and one for files, in order to get the item type right): search_url="GophHub gopher://" search_url="GophHub (file) gopher://" In the UMN Gopher client it's probably better to keep everything plain-text, but with downloads over Gopher instead of direct HTTPS links for small files. So in .gopherrc: # Type=7 Name=GophHub Path=/~freet/gophhub/?raw=1 Port=70 I'm certainly not going to do something like this for every website that goes Javascript-only. At least GitHub has a documented API which currently claims an intention to remain stable, with versioned implementations. Damned if I'm doing this for a website that I have to reverse-engineer first, _then_ do all this work, then have it change completely the next month. Except even in this case it seems I _almost_ didn't have to. Via the endless complaints thread on GitHub's website about the new "code view" interface, I discovered (too late) this existing web-based GitHub 'front-end', called GotHub: Trouble is, even though it doesn't require Javascript, it's almost as broken as GitHub is without Javascript because it seems that it also lost its directory navigation when GitHub stopped listing Git sub-directories in plain HTML: Moreover, the developer isn't interested in doing the work to fix this, so it's currently in limbo: It also has some fairly silly CSS which in Firefox centres the source code in a narrow section at the middle of the screen (at 1024x768 resolution, I assume it makes a little more sense on widescreen monitors), and the syntax highlighting is done in CSS too, so you lose that if you turn it off. Still, I'm obviously always going to prefer my version. I might mention GophHub to the developer as something they can point others too instead. To this end I took a look at Web proxies to Gopher, but some actually require Javascript for search items to work, and then don't work anyway. Floodgap's proxy is the only one that's usable, except that HTML content is blocked by it so GophHub doesn't work in document/source HTML-rendering mode. Anyway after some short consideration I decided this wasn't enough cause to try and make GophHub support web access as well. Many Gopher clients are better suited to browsing directory-oriented content than web browsers anyway. Feedback and suggestions are still welcome. GotHub had a remarkable number of nine 'instances' on different servers. GophHub certainly doesn't need more instances to avoid running into API access limits, in fact my creating a GitHub account in order to get an API key for >50 requests per hour looks like it was a waste of time. But if you do set GophHub up somewhere else, let me know and I'll start a list someplace. - The Free Thinker