INTRODUCING GOPHHUB So in my last post I talked about restoring my Gopher services (FireText and Gopher Banker) with the CGI-friendly Gopher that lives at Tilde.Club, then I went into a rant about GitHub killing off the ability to browse their web interface to Git repos without Javascript. I concluded there that there was no point bothering to code a way around the problem because they'll break that too, and everyone using GitHub should mirror their Git repos over Gopher as well. The thing is, nobody ever listens to me, not even me, so over the following weekend, after I remembered hearing about a GitHub API a while ago, I indeed tried to code my way out of the problem by making all Git repos on GitHub accessible using Gopher, whether their creators listen to me or not. The result is GophHub: gopher:// Basically I tried to add all the main features that worked without Javascript in the previous GitHub website before they applied the "code view and navigation" update to users that aren't logged-in, on the 6th of July.* Key features are: * View any GitHub Git repo "homepage" with root directory list, default README, and latest release, displayed along with some repo info. * Browse repo directories as gophermaps * View files via HTTPS or (under 500KB) Gopher * View MarkDown/AsciiDoc documents and source code (under 500KB) with syntax highlighting rendered in HTML via Gopher (works best if your Gopher browser also supports HTML - Dillo + Gopher plug-in works well for me) * Line numbering of source code files accessed via Gopher * Options menu (bottom of gophermap) to configure the above (you can also set URL parameters in the search URL to your preferred defaults, eg. in a bookmark) * Accepts GitHub repo and sub-directory/file URLs (non-Git content URLs such as Issues, Wiki, etc. aren't supported. They're currently still vaguely usable without Javascript on the GitHub website) As it was a weekend project, I of course ran out of time to do everything (including writing this announcement post). It's actually implemented as a Bash script with a terribly hacky newline-reliant approach to parsing the JSON output of the GitHub API, and in theory my plan was to go back now that I've got the general logic worked out and re-implement it in C. But that's not going to happen. What might happen are the following features that I didn't quite get to (or think of in time) for GophHub version 0.2: * Convert file sizes to human-readable units * Display the GitHub git:// clone URL on the repo "homepage" * Convert URLs in HTML-rendered MarkDown/AsciiDoc documents to GophHub links (but only if they point to somewhere actually in a Git repo) * Rework the JSON parsing so that nothing relies on the order of the fields (yeah, I know, ouch, hey I just wanted to see if it would work) Plus I need to Write set-up docs and publish the script in the Scripts section here. API calls are limited at 5000 per hour, so like Invidious and SearX (both possibly misspelt) people might need to set up their own 'instances' if it becomes popular (it works without an API token for 50 or 60 requests per hour, so you don't need a GitHub account). Then again things I like are very rarely popular, so even publishing the script is probably a waste of valuable time (I've been looking at more depressingly single-digit download stats for things I published elsewhere again). On that note feedback and bug reports are welcome. New features are obviously backloged already, but requests will at least be given consideration for "one day". Email: - The Free Thinker * Announced here: There is a feedback topic on their (barely navigatable, even with Javascript) support forum for it, where I was glad to find that many people have voiced objections to the blank-page results from browsing without Javascript, and while it was in beta one even got a promise (months ago) that a Javascript-free fall-back view was in development. But now they're just not talking to anyone about the Javascript requirement. The silent treatement is presumably the PR-friendly way of saying "we don't care, get lost".