STILL OFFLINE Well is still offline over a month since it was planned to be online again "at the latest". In fact the Gopher and SFTP servers have been down completely this weekend. I was thinking that the Gopher server going down from time to time was an indication that work was still going on behind the scenes, but now I'm wondering whether the new system is just extremely unstable. Still I don't feel like I can really complain because I'm the only person who seemed to be actively using and updating their Gopher pages on, and nobody seemed to be doing much with the web hosting either, so there's probably a good argument for the "well go set up your own tilde then" response if I went nagging. Plus the only email I have for Fosslinux is anyway. It would really be pretty easy to just get a Gopher server running somewhere myself, and wouldn't cost me anything either, but I really don't like the idea of the IP address pointing right back to my real ID, even if that info is only known by the hosting provider. Trying to use a fake ID or pay for a VPS host that works completely anonymously is taking it all too far. Of course the easy option is to switch to another tilde, and I always had earmarked as a back-up in case disappeared. In spite of the TLD, it claimed to be another Australian tilde, so no horrible intercontinental SSH lag, and it has stuck around all the time I've had my Gopher hole. _Until_ now, where it's just coming back "host name not found". The domain is still registered to someone, but there's nothing behind it anymore. All things considered, it looks suspiciously like they were both being run by the same guy. OK so there are lots of other tildes/pubnixes, if doesn't come back soon I guess I'll find another one easily enough. I can't really be bothered right now though. In the world of Usenet there's something similar with the public-access server going down, and a few other news servers such as apparantly breaking as well at the same time (I'm thinking they were probably poorly configured and unmaintained, so couldn't cope with being unable to peer to There seems to have been one email from the admin complaining of a RAID controller failure and then radio silence. That's another thing where it's hard to explain how it can take a month to restore services unless the whole thing's just been put in the too-hard basket. Rumours of poor health or poverty have been circulating, but I wonder if it's just the case that declining usage made the admin question whether it was worth the effort. The sad thing is that it's sure to have cut off yet more Usenet users who might not bother to find another news server. Another small step in the decline towards NNTP-silence. Solderpunk posted some complaints about the poor attitude of the SDF admins years ago, which combined with the fact that SDF are one of the oldest surviving pubnix services (and the oldest that still offers properly-working Gopher hosting), served to reinforce a suspicion of mine that one-man-show type free services survive longest if the one-man is actually a bit of a jerk. I'll admit to being cynical here, but I feel like the warm fuzzys of offering a free service to stangers only really motivate someone for a few years, maybe a decade. Eventually they either get bored, or their circumstances change, and they just stop caring, because they no longer feel like they're getting anything back from it. But if it allows them some sort of power trip where they get to choose sides, lay down the rules, and make their users grovel at their feet, that's what keeps them motivated to keep the service running. It's their own little empire in a box. A rack-mounted, Intel Xeon-powered, box. On the other hand if such an admin actually gets into a position of power in their real life, then they'll probably lose interest too. So basically what I'm saying is that if you want a long-lasting non-commercial online service, find one run by a power-craved jerk whose life is a failure. But I'll probably just stick to the short-lived services, lasting so long as they can ride on the back of their admin's warm-fuzzies. - The Free Thinker P.S. I keep messing up my system for saving these posts beacuse I'm not doing the final step of uploading them. Break one habit and everything else falls apart, as is usual for me. It's going to be a real pain to sort these out when I do finally have a chance to put them online.