SACRIFICES TO THE EMAIL GODS It's a bit over a year since I moved my websites from a hosting service over to a VPS, including setting up a mail server on it. That also seems to be about as long as semi-decent deliverability of email from my website has lasted. In particular Gmail seems to be putting everything into spam now, even though I did originally set up SPF and got my VPS provider to add a reverse-DNS PTR record. But I did stop short before of setting up DKIM and DMARC, and Google say that they want to see these: DMARC, like SPF, is pretty simple. Or it was once I'd discovered where my domain registrar had hidden their advanced DNS settings this week (it's now four clicks deep from the list of domains). But DKIM involves cryptography and somehow everything involving cryptography causes me to waste hours digging into some aspect that isn't properly documented before I can get it to work. In this case I was following the OpenDKIM guide on the Debian Wiki to set that up with Postfix, after failing to find any documentation about DKIM on the Postfix website. The main problem was that I've got two virtual domains hosted by the VPS that I want mail to be sent from (actually one is mainly so that I can test things out before messing with the important one). My understanding was that one DKIM key should be able to be used for both, but the Debian Wiki and other guides on the web always get into complicated stuff involving making "keytable", "signingtable", etc. files that describe what key matches what domain. Nevertheless the man page for opendkim.conf says that the "Domain" setting which is used by the Debian guide to set the domain for single-domain servers, can accept multiple domains. That sounds like exactly what I want, but how to separate them? The opendkim.conf man page says they're a "dataset", which is described as being described in the opendkim man page. The opendkim man page waffles on about reading from different sources and only manages to cast doubt on my original guess of "Domain """ (which nevertheless generates no error message from the OpenDKIM "milter"), without saying what the deliminator is supposed to be if you just want to enter them there in the config file. In the end I found the example opendkim.conf file in the project's Git repo (it's not installed by the Debian package even though it's referenced in the comments in the default opendkim.conf file). That still only showed one domain for the "Domain" setting, but I worked my way through all the options that took a "dataset" parameter until I found one that demonstrated that the "data" is comma-separated, so: "Domain,". OK actually I see that down the very bottom of the long description of different dataset types, at "m)", the opendkim man page does say: "In any other case, the string is presumed to be a comma-separated list.". So I missed that, but really, couldn't they just have put a short example in the entry for "Domain" in the opendkim.conf man page? The other trap that I fell into was that the OpenDKIM key generator helpfully puts an example for the DNS TXT record in "/etc/dkimkeys/[selector].txt". But besides containing lots of unwanted quotes, brackets, and newlines, it splits the key into two quoted parts, and at first I guessed only the first part was the key because the Wiki page is particularly vague about this. This mistake was easily detected using "opendkim-testkey -v -v -d [domain]", but it's really quite confusing for something that every mail server admin is now expected to set up. Apparantly it's the right format for BIND, but that doesn't help people like me much who are using someone else's DNS via a web interface. Anyway, after all that, opendkim-testkey is happy (but for an expected "key not secure" message), emailing "" gives me pass marks all round, and after adding a DMARC record "" reports that everything's perfect. Now, do I expect that Google will deliver my email properly again? well, no not really. For one thing I don't think DKIM really adds much over SPF and reverse-DNS, except in the case of automatic email forwarding which I've only just learnt breaks SPF, but that definately didn't happen in every case that Gmail sent me to the spam-can. For another, there are articles like this recent one which basically say it's all a waste of time and you should just give up on hosting your own email: But so far as I'm concerned I've now done what Google ask for, and if they still prevent their users from seeing emails that they want to read from me, then really it's up to their users to find a better email provider. Or, shock horror, maybe actually check their spam folder! Personally I don't do spam filtering at all. Also AT&T have apparantly blocked my VPS provider's IP addresses entirely (according to the SMTP errors I'm getting), even though they're not on any public spam blacklists. So I guess it won't help with that sort of thing. - The Free Thinker