What is the bedrock of civilisation? The force that binds a 
society, a global society? The fuel that it burns within billions 
of human minds?

It is the worship of an emotion. One emotion itself so carelessly 
defined and pursued. Happiness.

We work for, search for, dream of happiness. Chase after it in that 
direction which we are told. Slaves to ourselves, or to those who 
tell us?

Chase it, they say. Live your dream, our dream, the American dream, 
a big house, lots of friends, and family, partner, children, even 
fame and fortune, but of course respect. Respect from those who 
told us where to go for happiness, for them to look at us with a 
smug grin, to know that they were right. They told us how to be 
happy, and now we are; because we look at ourselves and see someone 
happy, because we see what we tell other people happiness is.

Or do we not? Do we defer our own happiness for some other place, 
time, person? Do we hear a duty, or a faith, to serve for a greater 
future? A happy future?

But then from where do we hear this call? For what cause is it 
truely sounded, and by whom? And what is the happiness that they 
see? Do you know it? Do they?

- The Free Thinker.