GHOST SHELL Generally speaking I don't like cloud computing, for all the usual grumpy-techie reasons. Of course it all boils down to the old idea of remote access that the Tildes are built around, and I obviously don't find that so offensive, but at the same time my account on is really just for anonymous content hosting on Gopher. I've played around with using it for practical tasks, and there are a couple of other things that I started using it for, but in general as I'm always using a Linux system which I have full control over there's usually not much point. However a few months ago I finally succeeded (and it took some trying I tell you) in signing up for one of these free VPS offers that big cloud-computing services have been offering. It's the best one too, in my opinion, because so far they claim it won't expire. It's with Oracle Cloud, and although I don't like the company, and setting it up how you want involves wading through lots of weird Oracle mumbo-jumbo while watching to make sure you side-step all their paid features, I can't help but be impressed by what you can get for nothing. I mean, for $0 I've probably got more computing power in the VPS than _any_ physical system I've ever accessed! Granted that's because I'm cheap and never use other people's computers anymore, but it's still equivalent to some pretty expensive physical hardware if you wanted it all on your desktop. Plus equally importantly, its got over 200GB storage that I can fill with stuff downloaded at super-quick speeds for pre-processing without having to feed it through my slow and 3GB/month limited internet connection. that link is bound to go dead before long, so: But there are two sides to that last point, because slow internet also means laggy SSH access. Now learning to turn on SSH compression some time ago (part of my Aussies experience actually) helps a bit, and as this VPS is also in Australia it's not nearly as bad as with my website VPS in the USA, but that little bit of lag still gets me. Half the trouble is that I'm very typo-prone at the command line, more so the more things are going wrong with whatever I'm trying to do, so I'm always trying to move back and forwards through the line to edit things. Also, probably due to my rural mobile broadband connection, the delay that does happen varies all the time so you can't really get used to it. Sometimes it just gets stuck and I have a second or two of wondering whether the connection has died. Plus there's text editing where it's really hard to accept today an experience that's less responsive than editing text on a computer from the 1980s. My solution, which as usual I'm way too lazy to try implementing myself, is what I'm calling a "ghost shell". The basic idea is that your local PC runs the same shell program as the remote system, but this shell program has been modified in order to synchronise all aspects of the shell environment. So you can compose a command on your computer with all the speed of a local TTY emulation, while at the same time the remote system is "catching up" with what you're doing, then you only have to wait for the delay when you execute the command and wait to see the result. Additionally for interactively editing text files, the shell automatically transfers the file over to your machine and runs it in the editor you have installed locally, then transfers it back. I have realised that all this could be done by setting up a VPN between the local computer and the remote server, then using eg. NFS to work on files and rexec to launch programs (with a helpful script to make the rexec command's environment match that in your local shell). But that's complicated to set up and more clunky to use. It's probably a more rational approach for me than writing a "ghost shell" program though. Especially as this is probably one of those things that seems to me like it should be useful to lots of other people, but in reality nobody else cares. - The Free Thinker, 2021