Transport Matters * As a pretty typical single-issue party, they didn't stand out much to me at the last election, but as it turns out they got a seat in a melbourne electorate, possibly through preferences deals. * Their policies touch on a few peripheral topics, but are generally true to their name. Or at least they are if you only ever expect to be transported around Melbourne. There's remarkably little interest shown in rural roads and transport. As someone who almost never goes into Melbourne but has strong opinions about poor management of major regional road projects, this is very frustrating. * They're very big on supporting the taxi industry, fed up as they are with ride-sharing services cutting into their market without the same level of regulation. * They're into renewable energy and electric vehicles. * They also have a bit of a plan for improving healthcare with a long-term focus on prevention. * They've got a strong policy on increased transparancy in government, which is nice. In particular about publishing more government documents openly. C: M- It's hard to get past my frustration with a party that's all about transport, but seems to have forgotten that there are roads outside of Melbourne too! Outside of transport their policies don't seem to bad, but one can only presume that they're likely to forget about rural Victoria on points like healthcare as well. -----------------------