|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- OFFGRID COMPUTING:                                                     -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- ---------                                                              -:|
|:- Hardware:                                                              -:|
|:- ---------                                                              -:|
|:-   __________             ______________                                -:|
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|:-  |  '-----" :           |..............:                               -:|
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|:- When you  generate your own power,  you become much more  aware of how -:|
|:- much energy things use. When designing our off grid living systems, it -:|
|:- became pretty clear to  me that we would need to  make some changes to -:|
|:- our computing habits. For people who  live on grid, a laptop that uses -:|
|:- "only" 60 watts seems trivial. But  when you are off grid, that laptop -:|
|:- uses 60  watts PER  HOUR. Meaning,  that over a  24 hour  period, that -:|
|:- laptop would  require 1440 watt  hours. To put that  into perspective, -:|
|:- the largest battery "generators" (which  arent generators at all, this -:|
|:- is a made  up marketing term) have around 1000  watt hours of storage, -:|
|:- or 1kilowatt  hour. Meaning, that to  run a Macbook Pro  for 24 hours, -:|
|:- you would need one  and a half of these just to power  it.  As most of -:|
|:- these battery  units run over  $1000, you are  looking at $2K  just to -:|
|:- power your laptop. And  then you have to figure out  how you are going -:|
|:- to charge those batteries every day.                                   -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- Before we took the  plunge and moved off grid, I  went through an "old -:|
|:- thinkpad"  phase,  as all  self  respecting  nerds  do. The  pre  2012 -:|
|:- Thinkpads were  some of  the most  durable, repairable,  and otherwise -:|
|:- perfect laptops  ever made.  But  the race for profit  through cheaper -:|
|:- manufacturing won out, and the quality degraded over time. I purchased -:|
|:- a Thinkpad  x200t off  of Ebay  for $70. This  was before  they became -:|
|:- popular again  and more  expensive for a  variety of  reasons. Through -:|
|:- experimentation, I  noticed the x200t  used less power than  any other -:|
|:- computer I owned. In fact, The  x200t uses less power than a Raspberry -:|
|:- Pi 4 when its coupled with  the external monitor and keyboard required -:|
|:- to use it. The x200 and the x200t use an average of 16-20 watts during -:|
|:- normal  use. This  means for  a 24  hour period  of constant  use, the -:|
|:- thinkpad needs  about 400 watt  hours.  Or less  than 1/3 the  power a -:|
|:- Macbook Pro requires. This is doable in an offgrid situation.          -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- After  all of  the  testing  and experimentation  I  did, my  personal -:|
|:- conclusion is that  the best single unit  computers (meaning keyboard, -:|
|:- screen, and  hardware in one  unit) for  offgrid use are  the Thinkpad -:|
|:- x200 models,  and the Pinebook  Pro from  Pine64. The Pinebook  Pro is -:|
|:- even better power wise, but it can be much more difficult to get ahold -:|
|:- of these days than an older Thinkpad.                                  -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- ---------                                                              -:|
|:- Software:                                                              -:|
|:- ---------                                                              -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:-  _________________                                                     -:|
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|:- |  :           :  |                                                    -:|
|:- |  :  OpenBSD  :  |                                                    -:|
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|:- Why bring up software choices in a post about living off grid? Because -:|
|:- I've never encountered someone who does the work to live off grid, who -:|
|:- does not have at least some  inherent resistance to being controled by -:|
|:- governments and corporations. Most of the people Ive met who live this -:|
|:- way have a string desire to  make their own decisions, and take charge -:|
|:- of their own  lives. And with this increased  autonomy comes increased -:|
|:- responsibility.  There is  no power  company  to call,  or plumber  to -:|
|:- hire. You are responsible  for all of it. And those who  do well in an -:|
|:- offgrid lifestyle, thrive in this kind  of environment. You have to be -:|
|:- a jack (or jill) of all trades.                                        -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- This being the case, having a computer that you can repair and control -:|
|:- is important and inline with this  lifestyle. For this reason I choose -:|
|:- Libre or open source operating systems.                                -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- Before  moving offgrid,  I used  Void  Linux as  my primary  operating -:|
|:- system. Void  is a rolling  release operating system,  meaning updates -:|
|:- happen  in  chunks continually  so  that  there  is never  a  "version -:|
|:- upgrade" event. Once its installed, especially if you keep it minimal, -:|
|:- you  are set  for  years. But  now  that we  are  living offgrid,  our -:|
|:- internet  is not  the  wide  open unlimited  pipe  that ongrid  people -:|
|:- enjoy. We  have to  pay for gigabites  of mobile data.  So I  needed a -:|
|:- different solution to downloading software every day. So I switched to -:|
|:- OpenBSD. As  this is not  a post  about OpenBSD, I  wont go on  and on -:|
|:- about how  great it  is. (It is).  Ill just say  that OpenBSD  is very -:|
|:- stable, reliable,  and secure. Updates  occur every 6 months,  and are -:|
|:- trivial to install. And  interesting sidenote... every major operating -:|
|:- system  in the  world uses  code  from the  OpenBSD project.  Windows, -:|
|:- MacOS, GNU/Linux,  Android, and iOS, all  use as least some  code from -:|
|:- solutions created by OpenBSD.                                          -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- In addition  to this primary  laptop, I  also like to  experiment with -:|
|:- 9Front,  which is  a fork  of the  Plan 9  operating system  from Bell -:|
|:- Labs. I  have a spare hard  drive with 9Front installed,  which I swap -:|
|:- out in the Thinkpad from time to  time, as well as a Rasberry Pi which -:|
|:- runs 9Front.  Between  these two operating systems, there  isnt much I -:|
|:- cant do.                                                               -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- -------                                                                -:|
|:- Server:                                                                -:|
|:- -------                                                                -:|
|:-  ________________________     ________________________                 -:|
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|:- |''''''''''''''''''''''''|   |''''''''''''''''''''''''|                -:|
|:- | HOLLY IQ 6000      - o |   | HOLLY IQ 6000      - o |                -:|
|:- !________________________!\_/!________________________!                -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- Because  I want  to be  able to  run my  own web  services, I  run two -:|
|:- external  servers.  One is  a  standard  Linux  server which  runs  my -:|
|:- Fediverse  instance,  my  email  server,  my  xmpp  server,  my  Searx -:|
|:- instance, and other  various services. The other is  an OpenBSD server -:|
|:- through OpenBSD Amsterdam. I love  the simplified logic of serving web -:|
|:- content through OpenBSD. As well  as the security first ethos. OpenBSD -:|
|:- currently runs my gemini capsule and my gopher server. I am working on -:|
|:- moving  everything over  to OpenBSD,  one  service at  a time.  Though -:|
|:- lately, the garden is taking top priority.                             -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:- I have a dream of eventually  running everything off of a single board -:|
|:- computer on site, with its own solar input and backup battery. This is -:|
|:- not terribly  difficult to do.  The one  difficulty is having  an open -:|
|:- port to serve the  content when you are using mobile  data. I have not -:|
|:- found a way  to do this yet.  I am researching whether or  not this is -:|
|:- possible with Starlink. If it is, I many go that route. Not to mention -:|
|:- enjoy the added  benefit of still having internet access  in the event -:|
|:- of a complete grid outage with Starlink.                               -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
|:-                                                                        -:|
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