2020-03-21 - Fuck that noise ============================ Alright, I'm trying to be calm. I'm really *really* trying. Lookit, this isn't hard, I don't know why it seems to be for some people. Covid-19 is real. How do I know? Because I fucking well have it. Covid-19 is not the flu. How do I know? Again, I fucking have it. Question and Answer Session!!! q: Should you social distance? a: Yes. End of fucking story. You don't want this shit. Trust me, I have it and I know. q: Isn't this a hysterical reaction? a: No. Anyone who says so is a fucking moron. This is the most vicious pandemic experienced since Spanish Flu or the Bubonic Plague. Fuck it, its probably the worst since the Justinian Plagues. q: But someone told me that this is all a conspiracy? a: They're a fucking moron. As are you for listening to them. q: But the gubbermint! a: Fuck you, you fucking moron. I have no doubt, none, that fucking fascists like Bibi, Orban, Johnson and Trump will use this disease to increase their powers, to chip away at the last vestiges of democracy in their homestates. That's what they do, they're fucking fascists after all. That's not a good reason to think that this disease doesn't exist, or that you need to take steps to avoid it. If you can see evidence of your local government acting to restrict civil rights, then its because you have a fucking fascist as the head of your fucking civil government. Ends.