date: 2016-02-04 22:37:23 
Title: Websites not liable for readers' comments


> The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that
> websites are not liable for readers' comments. It ruled that
> making websites responsible for the content of the comments
> section would breach freedom of expression rights.

Utterly fantastic news! A judgement from the ECHR which
offers the promise of an end to cases like the recent risible
Patricia Casey/Irish Times settlement, where an employee
of Lolek Ltd^1, someone who has been regularly accused
of misrepresenting and mischaracterising psychological
research[1] in service of her own agenda, often by the
people whose research she is citing, won an apology and a
payment from a newspaper because some people commented that
she misrepresented research.


[^1]: Otherwise laughably known as the Iona "Institute"