Moving to Stagit

So Friday  night,  in   a  moment  of   stupidity,  I   deleted  my
gitea-server's bare  repos, thus undoing  various levels of  calm I
had attained in my life.

I did  get many  of them  back and  running, re-pushing  from local
copies - the  true power of decentralisation. Some,  which I hadn't
been  using  or  had  lost  interest in,  didn't  make  the  grade,

The  whole experience  got me  thinking  about what  I'm trying  to
achieve with my gitea-server. All I really want to do is:

- Keep my code stuff available for me, to use on my machines.
- Offer that to other people, to use on their machines.
- Keep a testament to what I've been doing, for me.

To accomplish  these goals, I'm not  really sure that I  need to be
offering a recreation of Microsoft's  GitHub. It just strikes me as
some fairly  serious overkill. Its not  that gitea is "hard"  on my
server -  it really isn't  - it's that what  gitea offers is  (to a
greater or lesser  extent) determined by the  needs, objectives and
interests of Microsoft and their offering. Those may be adjacent to
_mine_ from time to time, but they aren't the same at all.

This required consideration, not irreversible  action, so I let the
gitea-server continue in existence for the time being.

To accomplish **my** goals, I settled on the following set-up:

- All my repos are served read-only over the `git://` protocol.
- You can browse my repos at: <>
- That  site uses the  quite brilliant  stagit to provide  a static
  html interface
- Because  stagit creates  *static* files, there  is also  a gopher
  version - <gopher://>

I  don't  expect  people  to  follow  in  this  path,  I'm  not  an
influencer, nor do I seek to be  one. I am incredibly happy to find
tools that are more aligned with my own goals and beliefs. Its nice
not to feel completely alone.