More Git Journey 2019-03-04 Continuing to rebuild my git presence after the recent disaster, I've managed to get gitolite running on my server. This was a new thing, for me, and it took a little while to get my head around the different concepts and terminology of the system. After a few disappointments, its all functional now, and I've successfully cloned my personal repos from it, and pushing is now functional also. This has also shown me that I need to finally confront another gaping hole in my knowledge - git hooks. I need to run the `stagit` process whenever I push to the repos. To this point, I've been doing that manually on the server, but I really want to automate the process to make this whole experiment stick. I remain convinced that this is a more sustainable system for me, and I've enjoyed just learning to do things for myself again. I've kept the gitea server running, for now, and the underlying content is the same as the new location (literally, its the same repos) but my code now lives at