Pony Music! The MLP fandom has always done an impressive amount of music production - and though it's slowed a little from peak, I suspect it still puts out more music than any other two fandoms combined. This is some of the horse music I care about. THE MUSIC THAT GOT ME INTO PONY Like many people, my first exposure to pony was through fan music. - All-Powerful Trixie (iamnotacleverpony) - For The New Lunar Republic (iamnotacleverpony) - Spectrum (AcousticBrony) - Crepuscularity (AcousticBrony) - Loyalty (MandoPony and AcousticBrony) - Constellations (Aviators) NOSTALGIC CLASSICS There are songs I don't listen to much anymore that will always be special to me. Most of these are from the 2013-2015 timeframe. - Friendship (Aviators) - Let There Be Light (Exiark) - More Than A Reflection (Crystal Slave) - Pony Waifu (Covered by half the fandom) - Because I'm Shy (Electrokaplosion feat Chi-Chi) - Stars (EmberDash feat Feather and Rhyme Flow) - Light Switch (EmberDash feat GigglyMaria & Rhyme Flow) - To The Stars (Electrokaplosion feat Feather) - Home (Jeff Burgess feat EileMonty and MEMJ0123) - Stratosphere (UndreamedPanic feat Metajoker) - Expedition (ertrii) (NB: Still gives me shivers on a night drive through the mountains.) ABSOLUTE FAVORITES You'll probably hear these if you ride in my car. Consider yourself warned. - Sight For Sore Eyes (Metajoker and 4EverfreeBrony) - Space and Time (Tw3lv3 and General Mumble feat Retronax) - Hinterland (PegasYs and Koa) - If I Go Back (Electrokaplosion feat Alioopster27) - As The Dreams Pass (Risen) (Hay Tea Remix) - Satellites (SeyN AQ feat Metajoker) - Say When (Kholat feat Koa) - Flee (Whirly Tail feat Koa) - By The Wind (4Everfreebrony feat MEMJ0123, Metajoker, Whirldwind, CyrilTheWolf) - The Storm Is Coming (UndreamedPanic feat Metajoker) - Island of Clouds (UndreamedPanic feat Even Skies) HONORABLE MENTION Songs that I love that don't quite fit in anywhere else. - Iridescence (Hay Tea and Age of Vinyl) - Snow (4everfreebrony feat Chi-Chi) - Friends Up Above (4everfreebrony) - Solidarity (PrinceWhateverer) - River Of Dismay (Tw3lv3) (Single Purpose Remix) - Everlight (Sertrixy) - Arcana (Sonic Rainboom) - The Storm (Silva Hound and UndreamedPanic feat Synthis) - Never Enough (UndreamedPanic and Nevermourn feat Metajoker) ___________________________________________________________________ Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Welcome/6.1 ppc64le |