Pony Fic! I've read entirely too much pony fanfiction. Here's some I like. This will be expanded over time. ------------------------- --- Fallout Equestria --- ------------------------- SYNOPSIS: Pipbuck technician Littlepip leaves the safety of her Stable to track down her crush, Velvet Remedy, who has fled into the barren wasteland outside - and uncovers the mysteries of the war that ended two centuries earlier. OPINION: Some of the sidefics are better, but kkat's worldbuilding is still amazing. Somehow, this bizarre crossover works. It isn't especially deep, but as a straight-up adventure story, it's great (at least, after the slow start.) -------------------------- --- Murky Number Seven --- -------------------------- SYNOPSIS: Murky, a slave in the industrial hellscape of Fillydelphia, is inspired by Littlepip to reclaim his freedom. OPINION: The best FOE sidefic around. Ridiculously long, not especially joyful, and still the only piece of fic I've taken a day off work to read. (The chapter I was waiting for didn't come out until 1800 anyway, so I needn't have bothered.) ---------------------- --- Harmony Theory --- ---------------------- SYNOPSIS: Rainbow Dash awakens in a far-future Equestria split between two hostile states. As tensions between the nations escalate, Rainbow Dash learns the dark secrets of the Elements of Harmony - while another figure tries to use the Elements for his own sinister purposes. OPINION: Bleak as hell and mostly dead - but worth a read for the atmosphere. ___________________________________________________________________ Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Welcome/6.1 ppc64le |