_    _       
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                                                  Another Droid BBS
You can connect to the bbs at this address: andr01d.zapto.org:9999
Use port 8888 for SSH connection. You can use any telnet client, but
i suggest Netrunner or Blocker v2.0 and don't use a statusbar... full
25 lines graphics :)
There are many sections you can browse and find useful staff, not just
for BBSes ;) If you don't have a telnet client, you can find here, in
the files section.
The system that all these are built (BBS, Gopher, WWW servers) is a
Raspberry Pi 3B, with a 16GB sdcard and i am going to throw it more
stuff :)
=free | awk '/^Mem:/ {print "Free Mem: " $3 "/" $2}'
Keep calm and keep BBSing...
                                        Build: 2023/12/15, 19:51:23