Week of 2022-10-09: Past Life by Tame Impala

> I got a pretty solid routine these days
> I don't know, it just works for me

This is definitely not my favorite Tame Impala
song, but I find the overlay of the story with the
music a great effect.

It's the song of the week not because the lyrics
have some specific sentimental meaning, but
beacause it was tied to a fond memory with my
friend Craig from work.

This week was my company offsite and after a long
day of product meetings yesterday, a couple
friends decided they'd humor me and visit the
Golden Gate bridge with me (first time in SF!).

We were standing on the corner waiting for our
uber and Tame Impala came up because I started
half-joking that our product strategy makes me
want to belt "It Feels Like We Only Go Backwards".
I mean.. it's too good. "I got my hopes up again,
oh no", etc.. We laugh and start talking about the
band. I tell Craig I heard a b-side (List of
People) at the coffee shop, and he said it really
shoulda made the album. We're brainstorming songs
that could be swapped and I say "Past Life" just
vaguely remembering it.. only to be reminded it's
totally a jam.

So this one goes out to Craig--doing our best
narrator impressions of Past Life in the uber and
then blasting it on my tinny iphone speakers while
we scootered around near the bridge.

Tame Impala is one of those bands I heard about
in High School--the keyboardist in my band loved
them and I just didn't "get it" until college.
But I get it now. So sick. Nora, you were right!


Written: Fri Oct 14 12:02:48 PM PDT 2022