Week of 2022-03-06: Drips on a Wire by Peach Pit

(Written Wed 09 Nov 2022 03:20:38 PM EST)

This song came on yesterday and took me back to
the week of 2022-03-06, so I had to write about
it today :)

The new Peach Pit album had just come out.. or it
was my first full listen to it. We were driving up
to the White Mountains for my birthday weekend--a
trip with friends to do a winter hike, hit a brewery,
and just in general hang out.

It's not my favorite song on that album (Vickie might
take the cake), but I must have played it 5 times
that weekend--just every time we were in the car I'd
put it on. Maybe the fact that it's not my favorite
meant that I played it less in later months and it
solidified as a hit for that weekend in particular :)