Adding a Feed to the Phlog -------------------------- Wed Nov 17 00:21:20 EST 2021 Quick entry to mark a new milestone for the phlog --an atom feed! This was a pretty simple adaptation of my genatom script originally described on the blog post use-feeds(7) [1]. It just parses index.gph for lines that have the [[Date] Title|path...] format and spits out the right XML. Potentially the most interesting decision here wasn't actually the crafting of the feed, but rather whether to serve the feed over Gopher exclusively or HTTP and Gopher. The argument for HTTP is that most feed reader clients can't handle gopher://--I know for sure newsboat doesn't. So by putting it on HTTP, it could at least be read by a wider audience... I ended up choosing to keep it gopher-only, since this is, after all, "gopher exclusive content" :) I'll find or build a feed reader that can handle it! The source for the generator can be found in the "code" section of this gopherhole [2] [1]: [2]: gopher://