tadd simple 1d example, WIP - granular-channel-hydro - subglacial hydrology model for sedimentary channels
git clone git://src.adamsgaard.dk/granular-channel-hydro
commit 9c1dfa711717600fb0bc43f6d6503294c5cddd9b
parent ea147780409ef9eacaa3e3cf29f1f10f4a8b8817
Author: Anders Damsgaard Christensen 
Date:   Mon, 30 Jan 2017 22:36:55 -0800

add simple 1d example, WIP

  A 1d-test.py                          |     277 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  M granular_channel_drainage/model.py  |      18 ++++++++++++++++++

2 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/1d-test.py b/1d-test.py
t@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# The following script uses basic Python and Numpy functionality to solve the
+# coupled systems of equations describing subglacial channel development in
+# soft beds as presented in `Damsgaard et al. "Sediment plasticity controls
+# channelization of subglacial meltwater in soft beds"`, submitted to Journal
+# of Glaciology.
+# High performance is not the goal for this implementation, which is instead
+# intended as a heavily annotated example on the solution procedure without
+# relying on solver libraries, suitable for low-level languages like C, Fortran
+# or CUDA.
+import numpy
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+## Model parameters
+Ns = 10                # Number of nodes [-]
+Ls = 100e3              # Model length [m]
+#dt = 24.*60.*60.       # Time step length [s]
+#dt = 1.       # Time step length [s]
+dt = 60.*60.*24       # Time step length [s]
+#t_end = 24.*60.*60.*7. # Total simulation time [s]
+t_end = dt*4
+tol_Q = 1e-3    # Tolerance criteria for the normalized max. residual for Q
+tol_N_c = 1e-3  # Tolerance criteria for the normalized max. residual for N_c
+max_iter = 1e4         # Maximum number of solver iterations before failure
+output_convergence = True
+# Physical parameters
+rho_w = 1000. # Water density [kg/m^3]
+rho_i = 910.  # Ice density [kg/m^3]
+rho_s = 2700. # Sediment density [kg/m^3]
+g = 9.8       # Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
+theta = 30.   # Angle of internal friction in sediment [deg]
+# Walder and Fowler 1994 sediment transport parameters
+K_e = 0.1   # Erosion constant [-], disabled when 0.0
+#K_d = 6.    # Deposition constant [-], disabled when 0.0
+K_d = 0.0   # Deposition constant [-], disabled when 0.0
+#D50 = 1e-3 # Median grain size [m]
+#tau_c = 0.5*g*(rho_s - rho_i)*D50  # Critical shear stress for transport
+d15 = 1e-3  # Characteristic grain size [m]
+#tau_c = 0.025*d15*g*(rho_s - rho_i)  # Critical shear stress (Carter 2016)
+tau_c = 0.
+mu_w = 1.787e-3  # Water viscosity [Pa*s]
+froude = 0.1     # Friction factor [-]
+v_s = d15**2.*g*2.*(rho_s - rho_i)/(9.*mu_w)  # Settling velocity (Carter 2016)
+# Hewitt 2011 channel flux parameters
+manning = 0.1  # Manning roughness coefficient [m^{-1/3} s]
+F = rho_w*g*manning*(2.*(numpy.pi + 2)**2./numpy.pi)**(2./3.)
+# Channel growth-limit parameters
+c_1 = -0.118 # [m/kPa]
+c_2 = 4.60   # [m]
+# Minimum channel size [m^2], must be bigger than 0
+S_min = 1e-2
+## Initialize model arrays
+# Node positions, terminus at Ls
+s = numpy.linspace(0., Ls, Ns)
+ds = s[:-1] - s[1:]
+# Ice thickness and bed topography
+H = 6.*(numpy.sqrt(Ls - s + 5e3) - numpy.sqrt(5e3)) + 1.0
+b = numpy.zeros_like(H)
+N = H*0.1*rho_i*g            # Initial effective stress [Pa]
+p_w = rho_i*g*H - N          # Water pressure [Pa], here at floatation
+hydro_pot = rho_w*g*b + p_w  # Hydraulic potential [Pa]
+#m_dot = 7.93e-11             # Water source term [m/s]
+m_dot = 5.79e-9             # Water source term [m/s]
+#m_dot = 4.5e-8             # Water source term [m/s]
+# Initialize arrays for channel segments between nodes
+S = numpy.ones(len(s) - 1)*S_min # Cross-sectional area of channel segments[m^2]
+S_max = numpy.zeros_like(S) # Max. channel size [m^2]
+dSdt = numpy.empty_like(S)  # Transient in channel cross-sectional area [m^2/s]
+W = S/numpy.tan(numpy.deg2rad(theta))  # Assuming no channel floor wedge
+Q = numpy.zeros_like(S)     # Water flux in channel segments [m^3/s]
+Q_s = numpy.zeros_like(S)   # Sediment flux in channel segments [m^3/s]
+N_c = numpy.zeros_like(S)   # Effective pressure in channel segments [Pa]
+e_dot = numpy.zeros_like(S) # Sediment erosion rate in channel segments [m/s]
+d_dot = numpy.zeros_like(S) # Sediment deposition rate in chan. segments [m/s]
+c_bar = numpy.zeros_like(S) # Vertically integrated sediment content [m]
+tau = numpy.zeros_like(S)   # Avg. shear stress from current [Pa]
+porosity = numpy.ones_like(S)*0.3 # Sediment porosity [-]
+res = numpy.zeros_like(S)   # Solution residual during solver iterations
+## Helper functions
+def gradient(arr, arr_x):
+    # Central difference gradient of an array ``arr`` with node positions at
+    # ``arr_x``.
+    return (arr[:-1] - arr[1:])/(arr_x[:-1] - arr_x[1:])
+def avg_midpoint(arr):
+    # Averaged value of neighboring array elements
+    return (arr[:-1] + arr[1:])/2.
+def channel_water_flux(S, hydro_pot_grad):
+    # Hewitt 2011
+    return numpy.sqrt(1./F*S**(8./3.)*-hydro_pot_grad)
+def channel_shear_stress(Q, S):
+    # Weertman 1972, Walder and Fowler 1994
+    u_bar = Q*S
+    return 1./8.*froude*rho_w*u_bar**2.
+def channel_erosion_rate(tau):
+    # Parker 1979, Walder and Fowler 1994
+    return K_e*v_s*(tau - tau_c).clip(0.)/(g*(rho_s - rho_w)*d15)
+def channel_deposition_rate_kernel(tau, c_bar, ix):
+    # Parker 1979, Walder and Fowler 1994
+    return K_d*v_s*c_bar[ix]*(g*(rho_s - rho_w)*d15/tau[ix])**0.5
+def channel_deposition_rate(tau, c_bar, d_dot, Ns):
+    # Parker 1979, Walder and Fowler 1994
+    # Find deposition rate from upstream to downstream, margin at is=0
+    #for ix in numpy.arange(Ns-2, -1, -1):
+    for ix in numpy.arange(Ns - 1):
+        if ix == 0:  # No sediment deposition at upstream end
+            c_bar[ix] = 0.
+            d_dot[ix] = 0.
+        else:
+            c_bar[ix] = (e_dot[ix - 1] - d_dot[ix - 1])*dt
+            d_dot[ix] = channel_deposition_rate_kernel(tau, c_bar, ix)
+    return d_dot, c_bar
+def channel_growth_rate(e_dot, d_dot, porosity, W):
+    # Damsgaard et al, in prep
+    return (e_dot - d_dot)/porosity*W
+def update_channel_size_with_limit(S, dSdt, dt, N):
+    # Damsgaard et al, in prep
+    S_max = ((c_1*N/1000. + c_2)*\
+             numpy.tan(numpy.deg2rad(theta))).clip(min=S_min)
+    S = numpy.minimum(S + dSdt*dt, S_max).clip(min=S_min)
+    W = S/numpy.tan(numpy.deg2rad(theta))  # Assume no channel floor wedge
+    return S, W, S_max
+def flux_and_pressure_solver(S):
+    # Iteratively find new fluxes and effective pressures in nested loops
+    it_Q = 0
+    max_res_Q = 1e9  # arbitrary large value
+    while max_res_Q > tol_Q:
+        Q_old = Q.copy()
+        # dQ/ds = m_dot  ->  Q_out = m*delta(s) - Q_in
+        # Propagate information along drainage direction (upwind)
+        Q[1:] = m_dot*ds[1:] - Q[:-1]
+        max_res_Q = numpy.max(numpy.abs((Q - Q_old)/(Q + 1e-16)))
+        if output_convergence:
+            print('it_Q = {}: max_res_Q = {}'.format(it_Q, max_res_Q))
+        it_N_c = 0
+        max_res_N_c = 1e9  # arbitrary large value
+        while max_res_N_c > tol_N_c:
+            N_c_old = N_c.copy()
+            # dN_c/ds = FQ^2/S^{8/3} - psi  ->
+            #if it_N_c % 2 == 0:  # Alternate direction between iterations
+                #N_c[1:] = F*Q[1:]**2./(S[1:]**(8./3.))*ds[1:] \
+                    #- psi[1:]*ds[1:] + N_c[:-1]  # Downstream
+            #else:
+            N_c[:-1] = -F*Q[:-1]**2./(S[:-1]**(8./3.))*ds[:-1] \
+                    + psi[:-1]*ds[:-1] + N_c[1:]  # Upstream
+            # Dirichlet BC at terminus
+            N_c[-1] = 0.
+            max_res_N_c = numpy.max(numpy.abs((N_c - N_c_old)/(N_c + 1e-16)))
+            if output_convergence:
+                print('it_N_c = {}: max_res_N_c = {}'.format(it_N_c,
+                                                             max_res_N_c))
+            if it_N_c >= max_iter:
+                raise Exception('t = {}, step = {}:'.format(t, step) +
+                                'Iterative solution not found for N_c')
+            it_N_c += 1
+            #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
+        #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
+        if it_Q >= max_iter:
+            raise Exception('t = {}, step = {}:'.format(t, step) +
+                            'Iterative solution not found for Q')
+        it_Q += 1
+    return Q, N_c
+def plot_state(step):
+    # Plot parameters along profile
+    plt.plot(s_c/1000., S, '-k', label='$S$')
+    plt.plot(s_c/1000., S_max, '--k', label='$S_{max}$')
+    plt.plot(s_c/1000., Q, '-b', label='$Q$')
+    plt.plot(s_c/1000., N_c/1000., '--r', label='$N_c$')
+    #plt.plot(s, b, ':k', label='$b$')
+    #plt.plot(s, b, ':k', label='$b$')
+    plt.legend()
+    plt.xlabel('Distance from terminus [km]')
+    plt.tight_layout()
+    if step == -1:
+        plt.savefig('chan-0.init.pdf')
+    else:
+        plt.savefig('chan-' + str(step) + '.pdf')
+    plt.clf()
+s_c = avg_midpoint(s) # Channel section midpoint coordinates [m]
+## Initialization
+# Find gradient in hydraulic potential between the nodes
+hydro_pot_grad = gradient(hydro_pot, s)
+# Find effective pressure in channels [Pa]
+N_c = avg_midpoint(N)
+# Find fluxes in channel segments [m^3/s]
+Q = channel_water_flux(S, hydro_pot_grad)
+# Water-pressure gradient from geometry [Pa/m]
+#psi = -rho_i*g*gradient(H, s) - (rho_w - rho_i)*g*gradient(b, s)
+psi = -rho_i*g*gradient(H, s) - (rho_w - rho_i)*g*gradient(b, s)
+# Prepare figure object for plotting during the simulation
+fig = plt.figure('channel', figsize=(3.3, 2.))
+#import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
+## Time loop
+t = 0.; step = 0
+while t < t_end:
+    # Find average shear stress from water flux for each channel segment
+    tau = channel_shear_stress(Q, S)
+    # Find erosion rates for each channel segment
+    e_dot = channel_erosion_rate(tau)
+    # TODO: erosion law smooth for now with tau_c = 0.
+    d_dot, c_bar = channel_deposition_rate(tau, c_bar, d_dot, Ns)
+    # TODO: d_dot and c_bar values unreasonably high
+    # Deposition disabled for now with K_d = 0.
+    # Determine change in channel size for each channel segment
+    dSdt = channel_growth_rate(e_dot, d_dot, porosity, W)
+    # Update channel cross-sectional area and width according to growth rate
+    # and size limit for each channel segment
+    S, W, S_max = update_channel_size_with_limit(S, dSdt, dt, N_c)
+    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+    # Find new fluxes and effective pressures
+    Q, N_c = flux_and_pressure_solver(S)
+    # TODO: Q is zig zag
+    #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
+    plot_state(step)
+    # Update time
+    t += dt
+    step += 1
+    #print(step)
+    #break
diff --git a/granular_channel_drainage/model.py b/granular_channel_drainage/model.py
t@@ -14,6 +14,24 @@ class model:
         self.name = name
+    def genreateRegularGrid(self, Lx, Ly, Nx, Ny):
+        '''
+        Generate a uniform, regular and orthogonal grid using Landlab.
+        :param Lx: A tuple containing the length along x of the model
+            domain.
+        :type Lx: float
+        :param Ly: A tuple containing the length along y of the model
+            domain.
+        :type Ly: float
+        :param Nx: The number of random model nodes along ``x`` in the model.
+        :type Nx: int
+        :param Ny: The number of random model nodes along ``y`` in the model.
+        :type Ny: int
+        '''
+        self.grid_type = 'Regular'
+        self.grid = landlab.grid.RasterModelGrid(shape=(Nx, Ny), spacing=Lx/Nx)
     def generateVoronoiDelaunayGrid(self, Lx, Ly, Nx, Ny,