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99 \noindent{\LARGE \bfseries \sffamily Anders Damsgaard}
100 \end{center}
102 \begin{center}
103 \begin{tabular}{rl}
104 \\
105 %{Phone:} & +45 42 74 31 42\\ % chktex 8
106 {Email:} & \url{anders@adamsgaard.dk}\\
107 {Web:} & \url{https://adamsgaard.dk}\\
108 %{Gopherspace:} & \url{gopher://adamsgaard.dk}\\
109 {ORCID:} & \url{https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9284-1709}\\
110 {Scopus:} & \url{https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6602269102}\\
111 %{Web of Science:} & \href{https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/2594660}{https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/2594660}\\
112 \end{tabular}
113 \end{center}
115 \section*{Short bio}
116 I am a geoscientist with competences in geotechnics and computer science.
117 I use field observations, numerical modeling, geophysics, programming,
118 and data processing in order to understand Quaternary geology, sediment
119 mechanics, and groundwater flow.
120 \\
124 \section*{Professional experience}
125 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1in,topsep=0in,parsep=0.5em,labelwidth=0.9in,align=left]
126 %\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1in,topsep=0in,parsep=0.5em]
128 \item[2023\textendash{}Present] \textbf{\large Geo}\\
129 \emph{Project Manager in Geodata, Aarhus}
130 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.2in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
131 \item Integration and processing of geological, geotechnical, and geophysical databases
132 \item Machine learning on the distribution of geological units and properties
133 \item Coupling surface displacement to shallow geology, hydrology, and climate
134 \end{itemize}
136 \item[2023\textendash{}Present] \textbf{\large Aarhus University}\\
137 \emph{External lecturer}\\
138 Department of Geoscience\\
139 B.Sc.\ course: Quaternary Geology (10 ECTS)
141 \item[2022\textendash{}2023] \textbf{\large Aarhus University}\\
142 \emph{Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Quaternary Geology}\\
143 Department of Geoscience (research, teaching, student supervision)
144 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.2in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
145 \item Focus on danish shallow geology
146 \item Using Jupiter and tTEM for high-resolution interpretations of geology
147 \item Computational modeling of tunnel valley formation from sediment mechanics and groundwater flow
148 \item Modeling of surface water flow using Python and Landlab
149 \end{itemize}
150 Courses: Quaternary Geology (10 ECTS), Geotechnical Field Course (5 ECTS), Greenland Field Course (5 ECTS)
152 \item[2020\textendash{}2022] \textbf{\large Aarhus University}\\
153 \emph{European Union Horizon 2020: Marie Sk\l{}odowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow}\\
154 Department of Geoscience
155 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.2in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
156 \item Coupled modeling of ice-water-till mechanics
157 \item Soft-bed geomorphology studies
158 \item Laboratory ring-shear and uniaxial experiments
159 \end{itemize}
160 B.Sc.\ courses: The Geology of Denmark (5 ECTS), Quaternary Geology (10 ECTS)
162 \item[2020] \textbf{\large Aarhus University}\\
163 \emph{External lecturer}\\
164 Department of Geoscience\\
165 B.Sc.\ courses: The Geology of Denmark (5 ECTS), Quaternary Geology (10 ECTS)
167 \item[2019\textendash{}2020] \textbf{\large Stanford University}\\
168 \emph{Independent Consultant}\\
169 Department of Geophysics
170 %Visiting researcher at Aarhus University, Department of Geoscience
171 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.2in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
172 \item Development of continuum methods for multi-phase granular
173 flows
174 \item Continuum and discrete modeling of ice-water-sediment systems
175 \end{itemize}
176 \emph{Supervisor:} Jenny Suckale
178 \item[2018\textendash{}2019] \textbf{\large Danish Environmental Protection Agency}\\
179 \emph{Academic Technician}\\
180 Ministry of Environment of Denmark
181 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.2in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
182 \item Automated quality control of geological, hydrological, and
183 geochemical data from Jupiter
184 \item Management and development of geospatial databases using PostGIS and PostgreSQL
185 \item Development of Python plugins for QGIS
186 \end{itemize}
188 \item[2017\textendash{}2018] \textbf{\large Princeton University}\\
189 \emph{Postdoctoral Research Associate}\\
190 Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences\\
191 Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment\\
192 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)\\
193 National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA)
194 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.2in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
195 \item Design of granular-mechanics methods for simulating sea-ice mechanics
196 \item Coupling to global climate models
197 \end{itemize}
198 \emph{Supervisors:} Alistair Adcroft and Olga Sergienko
200 \item[2016\textendash{}17] \textbf{\large Scripps Institution of Oceanography}\\
201 \emph{Green's Foundation Postdoctoral Scholar}\\
202 Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics\\
203 University of California, San Diego
204 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.2in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
205 \item Subglacial hydrology modeling
206 \item Sediment mechanics under the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
207 \item Rate and state friction in discrete-element models
208 \end{itemize}
209 \emph{Supervisor:} Helen A.\ Fricker
211 \item[2015] \textbf{\large Aarhus University}\\
212 \emph{Research assistant}\\
213 Department of Geoscience
214 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.2in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
215 \item Markov-Chain Monte Carlo inversion of cosmogenic nuclide ages
216 \item Constructed web frontend (PHP/Javascript/AngularJS) and backend (Linux/MATLAB) for inversion tools
217 \end{itemize}
218 \emph{Supervisor:} Mads F.\ Knudsen
219 \end{itemize}
221 \section*{Education}
222 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1in,topsep=0in,parsep=0.5em,labelwidth=0.9in,align=left]
224 \item[2010\textendash{}15] \textbf{\large Aarhus University: Ph.D.\ and M.Sc.}\\
225 Department of Geoscience.
226 Courses in computer graphics and high-performance computing at Department of Computer Science.\\
227 Ph.D.\ thesis title: \emph{“Numerical modeling of subglacial sediment
228 deformation”}\\
229 \emph{Supervisors:} David L.\ Egholm and Jan A.\ Piotrowski.\\
230 Thesis download: \url{https://adamsgaard.dk/ad-thesis.pdf}
232 \item[2006\textendash{}10] \textbf{\large Aarhus University: B.Sc.}\\
233 Department of Geoscience\\
234 Thesis: Quaternary geology and geomorphology in Salling, Denmark\\
235 \emph{Supervisors:} Christian Kronborg and Niels T.\ Knudsen
237 \end{itemize}
240 \section*{Awards, grants, and scholarships}
241 %\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.5in,topsep=0in,parsep=0.5em]
242 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.75in,topsep=0in,parsep=0.5em,labelwidth=0.65in,align=left]
244 \item[2022\textendash{}2025] Bundesgesellschaft f\"ur Endlagerung, Germany:\\
245 \emph{“Dynamical modelling of subglacial meltwater erosion during past and future glaciations”}.\\
246 A.\ Damsgaard, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski (AU), J.\ Winsemann (Leibniz University Hannover, LUH).\\
247 Funding for one two-year postdoc at AU, and one two-year postdoc at LUH.
248 EUR 547.835.
250 \item[2020] European Union/European Commission, Horizon 2020:\\
251 Marie Sk\l{}odowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship\\
252 H2020-MSCA-IF-2019, 24 months, EUR 207,000.\\
253 Project: \emph{NEMOSID: NExt-generation MOdeling of Sedimentary Ice-sheet Dynamics}
255 \item[2016] Aarhus University Research Foundation:\\
256 Award for outstanding Ph.D.\ research in Science and Technology.
258 \item[2016] XSEDE Startup Allocation, Principal Investigator: “Grain and
259 fluid dynamics: Governors of glacier flow and earthquake initiation”,
260 48,000 CPU hours on GPU clusters Stampede, Comet and Bridges.
262 \item[2016] NVIDIA Corporation, hardware grant (Tesla K40).
264 \item[2016] Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) Student
265 Modeler Award 2016, University of Colorado Boulder, USA, for innovative
266 model development in the field of earth-surface dynamics.
268 \item[2015] Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Foundation for Earth Sciences
269 scholarship,\\
270 50\% of salary for two years.
272 \end{itemize}
274 \section*{Publications}
275 \begin{etaremune}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
277 \item Kasmalkar, I., \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, L.\ Goren, and J.\ Suckale 2022
278 “Shear variation at the ice-till interface changes the
279 spatial distribution of till porosity and meltwater drainage”.
280 \emph{Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface}.
281 \url{https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JF006460}
283 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, O.\ Sergienko, and A.\ Adcroft 2021
284 “The effects of ice floe-floe interactions on pressure ridging in sea ice”.
285 \emph{Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems}, vol.\ 13.
286 \url{https://doi.org/10.1029/2020MS002336}
288 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, L.\ Goren, and J.\ Suckale 2020
289 “Water pressure fluctuations control variability in sediment
290 flux and slip dynamics beneath glaciers and ice streams”.
291 \emph{Communications Earth \& Environment}, vol.\ 1(66).
292 \url{https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-020-00074-7}
294 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, A.\ Adcroft, and O.\ Sergienko 2018
295 “Application of discrete-element methods to approximate sea-ice
296 dynamics”.
297 \emph{Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems}, vol.\ 10,
298 2228\textendash{}2244.
299 \url{https://doi.org/10.1029/2018MS001299}
301 \item Bateman, M.\ D., D.\ A.\ Swift, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, E.\ J.\ Rhodes,
302 \textbf{Damsgaard, A.} 2018
303 “Can glacial shearing of sediment reset the signal used for
304 luminescence dating?”.
305 \emph{Geomorphology}, vol.\ 306, 90\textendash{}101.
306 \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.01.017}
308 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, J.\ Suckale, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, M.\
309 Houssais, M.\ R.\ Siegfried, and H.\ A.\ Fricker 2017
310 “Sediment behavior controls equilibrium width of subglacial
311 channels”.
312 \emph{Journal of Glaciology}, vol.\ 63, 1034\textendash{}1048.
313 \url{https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2017.71}
315 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, A.\ Cabrales-Vargas, J.\ Suckale, and L.\ Goren
316 2017
317 “The coupled dynamics of meltwater percolation and granular
318 deformation in the sediment layer underlying parts of the big ice
319 sheets”.
320 \emph{Poromechanics VI}.
321 \url{https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784480779.024}
323 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, L.\ H.\ Beem, N.\ K.\ Larsen,
324 S.\ Tulaczyk, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, and M.\ R.\ Siegfried 2016
325 “Ice flow dynamics forced by water pressure variations in subglacial
326 granular beds”.
327 \emph{Geophysical Research Letters}, vol.\ 43, \num{12165}–\num{12173}.
328 \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/2016GL071579}
330 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, S.\
331 Tulaczyk, N.\ K.\ Larsen, and C.\ F.\ Br\ae{}dstrup
332 2015
333 “A new methodology to simulate subglacial deformation of
334 water-saturated granular material”.
335 \emph{The Cryosphere},
336 vol.\ 9, 2183\textendash{}2200.\\
337 \url{https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-9-2183-2015} % chktex 8
339 \item Br\ae{}dstrup, C.\ F., \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, and D.\ L.\ Egholm
340 2014
341 “Ice-sheet modelling accelerated by graphics cards”.
342 \emph{Computers \& Geosciences},
343 vol.\ 72, 210\textendash{}220.\\
344 \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2014.07.019}
346 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, S.\
347 Tulaczyk, N.\ K.\ Larsen, and K.\ Tylmann
348 2013
349 “Discrete element modeling of subglacial sediment deformation”.
350 \emph{Journal of Geophysical Research:\ Earth Surface},
351 vol.\ 118, 2230\textendash{}2242.
352 \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/2013JF002830}
354 \end{etaremune}
357 \section*{Presentations}
359 \subsection*{Invited talks}
360 \begin{etaremune}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
362 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ Hansen, and L.\ Zoet
363 “Subglacial landforms from variations in modeled sediment flux”
364 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2022, Session EP015 - Landscape evolution beneath and beyond the ice, Chicago, IL, USA.
366 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}
367 “Coupled modeling of ice, subglacial sediment, and glacier hydrology”
368 8th European Seminar on Computing (ESCO) June 2022, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
370 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}
371 “Sediment transport in an ice flow model: Implications for marine-terminating ice sheets”
372 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), June 2022, Oslo, Norway.
374 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}
375 “Glacial reshaping of the Earth Surface: From geological observations to modeling”
376 University of Oxford Mathematical Geosciences seminar, 2022-03-11
378 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}
379 “Interactions between ice and till: From geological observations to modeling”
380 ETH Z\"urich, VAW Glaciology seminar, 2022-03-03
382 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, I.\ Madden,
383 J.\ Suckale, and K.\ K.\ S\o{}rensen
384 “Approaches to modeling subglacial till deformation”
385 Maths on Ice seminar, 2022-01-10
387 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, O.\ Sergienko, and A.\ Adcroft
388 “Sea-ice ridging in discrete element models”.
389 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), June 2021, Valencia, Spain.
391 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, J.\ Suckale, and L.\ Goren
392 “The role of granular mechanics and porous flow for ice
393 sheet behavior in a changing climate”.
394 7th European Seminar on Computing (ESCO) 2020, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
396 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, J.\ Suckale, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, M.\
397 Houssais, M.\ R.\ Siegfried, and H.\ A.\ Fricker
398 “Subglacial channelized drainage on soft beds and implications for
399 grounding-line dynamics”.
400 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2017, Seattle, WA, USA.\@
402 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, J.\ Suckale, J.\ A.\
403 Piotrowski, M.\ Houssais, M.\ R.\ Siegfried, and H.\ A.\ Fricker
404 “Grain-scale numerical modeling of granular mechanics and fluid
405 dynamics”.
406 Week's lecturer at University of Wisconsin Madison, Department of
407 Geoscience, November 2017.
409 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, S.\ Tulaczyk, J.\ A.\
410 Piotrowski, N.\ K.\ Larsen, M.\ R.\ Siegfried, L.\ H.\ Beem, and J.\
411 Suckale
412 “Subglacial sediment mechanics investigated by computer simulation of
413 granular material”.
414 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.\@
416 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, S.\ Tulaczyk, N.\ K.\ Larsen,
417 J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, M.\ R.\ Siegfried, L.\ H.\ Beem, J.\ Suckale, and
418 L.\ Goren
419 “Grain-scale numerical modeling of granular mechanics and fluid
420 dynamics”.
421 Stanford University, Department of Geoscience, July 2016.
423 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, L.\ H.\ Beem, S.\ Tulaczyk, N.\
424 K.\ Larsen, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, and M.\ R.\ Siegfried
425 “Grain-scale numerical modeling of granular mechanics and fluid
426 dynamics and application in a glacial context”. Keynote speaker at
427 Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) Annual Meeting,
428 March 2016, Boulder, CO, USA.\@
430 \end{etaremune}
432 \subsection*{Oral presentations}
433 \begin{etaremune}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
435 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, I.\ Madden, J.\ Suckale, K.\ K.\ S\o{}rensen
436 “Process-based modeling of glacial till advection”.
437 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, USA.\@
440 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, O.\ Sergienko, and A.\ Adcroft
441 “Floe-scale ridging in discrete element models for sea ice”.
442 Workshop: Modeling the Granular Nature of Sea Ice, 2021, Online, WA, USA.\@
444 \item Suckale, J., I.\ Kasmalkar, \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, E.\ Mantelli, A.\
445 Cabrales-Vargas, D.\ Li, L.\ Goren, and C.\ Elsworth
446 “Progress on understanding the subglacial hydrology over till beds with
447 ramifications for ice dynamics and sediment transport”.
448 International Glaciological Society Meeting on Glacial Erosion and
449 Sedimentation 2019, Madison, WI, USA.\@
451 \item Piotrowski, J.\ A., M.\ B.\ Holdensen, \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard},
452 W.\ Narloch, S.\ Carr, and N.\ K.\ Larsen
453 “The ice/bed interface in past ice sheets constrained by field,
454 experimental and numerical studies”.
455 International Glaciological Society Meeting on Glacial Erosion and
456 Sedimentation 2019, Madison, WI, USA.\@
458 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, J.\ Suckale (presenting author), and L.\ Goren
459 “A new continuum model for till consistent with granular
460 mechanics”.
461 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA,
462 USA.\@
464 \item I.\ Kasmalkar, \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, L.\ Goren, J.\ Suckale,
465 and A.\ Cabrales-Vargas
466 “Subglacial sediment beds resist fast ice flow by facilitating
467 meltwater drainage”.
468 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA.\@
470 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, J.\ Suckale, D.\ Li, I.\ Kasmalkar, J.\
471 Amundson, L.\ Goren, A.\ Cabrales-Vargas
472 “A new continuum model for subglacial till based on granular
473 rheology”.
474 International Glaciological Society Meeting on Glacial Erosion and
475 Sedimentation 2019, Madison, WI, USA.\@
477 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, O.\ Sergienko, and A.\ Adcroft
478 “Lagrangian methods for modeling compressive failure in sea ice across
479 scales”.
480 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.\@
482 \item Suckale, J., C.\ Wheeler Elsworth, I.\ Kasmalkar, E.\ Mantelli,
483 \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, J.\ D.\ Platt, T.\ Perol, J.\ R.\ Rice, and L.\
484 Goren
485 “The surface as a window into the subsurface: Lessons from
486 Antarctica”.
487 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.\@
489 \item Suckale, J., C.\ Wheeler Elsworth, E.\ Mantelli, I.\ Kasmalkar,
490 \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, J.\ D.\ Platt, T.\ Perol, J.\ R.\ Rice, and L.\
491 Goren
492 “Process-based models for ice-stream shear margins”.
493 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.\@
495 \item Piotrowski, J.\ A., M.\ B.\ Holdensen, W.\ Narloch, S.\ Carr, and
496 \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}
497 “Laboratory experiments on till deformation: constraining the
498 subglacial processes”.
499 CANQUA/AMQUA, Ottawa, Canada.
501 \item Piotrowski, J.\ A.\, M.\ B.\ Holdensen, W.\ Narloch, S.\ Carr,
502 \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, N.\ K.\ Larsen
503 “Subglacial till deformation constrained by laboratory experiments”.
504 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria,
505 EGU2018\textendash{}8662.
507 \item Piotrowski, J.\ A.\, M.\ Bering Holdensen, W.\ Narloch, \textbf{A.\
508 Damsgaard}, N.\ K.\ Larsen
509 “Subglacial till deformation: Lessons from laboratory experiments”.
510 Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
512 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, A.\ Adcroft, O.\ Sergienko, and A.\ Stern
513 “Discrete-element simulation of sea-ice mechanics: Contact mechanics
514 and granular jamming”.
515 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA.\@
517 \item Kasmalkar, I., \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, A.\ Cabrales-Vargas, J.\
518 Suckale, and L.\ Goren
519 “Grain-scale investigation of grain and melt-water interaction and
520 implications for the dynamics of ice flow over soft sediments”.
521 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics 2017, Paris, France.
523 \item Suckale, J., C.\ W.\ Elsworth, \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, L.\ Goren, A.\
524 Cabrales, D.\ Li, I.\ Kasmalkar, and S.\ Maldonado
525 “Taking advantage of the predictive potential of process-based models
526 for ice exploration”.
527 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.\@
529 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, L.\ H.\ Beem, S.\ Tulaczyk, N.\
530 K.\ Larsen, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, and M.\ R.\ Siegfried
531 “Creep and stick-slip in subglacial granular beds forced by variations
532 in water pressure”.
533 West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop 2016, VA, USA.\@
535 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, L.\ H.\ Beem, S.\ Tulaczyk, N.\
536 K.\ Larsen, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, and M.\ R.\ Siegfried
537 “Creep and stick-slip in subglacial granular beds forced by ocean
538 tides”.
539 International Glaciological Society, International Symposium on
540 Interactions of Ice Sheets and Glaciers with the Ocean, 2016,
541 La Jolla, CA, USA.\@
543 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, S.\
544 Tulaczyk, and N.\ K.\ Larsen
545 “Oscillations in till strength due to particle-fluid feedbacks”.
546 International Union for Quaternary Research Congress, 2015,
547 Nagoya, Japan.
549 \item Piotrowski, J.\ A., K.\ Tylmann, W.\ Narloch, W.\ Wysota,
550 \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, N.\ K.\ Larsen, and J.\
551 Lesemann.
552 “A soft-bed system under the Scandinavian Ice Sheet: Mosaic of stable
553 and deforming spots”.
554 Abstract from 31st Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2014, Lund, Sweden.
556 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, S.\
557 Tulaczyk, and N.\ K.\ Larsen
558 “Discrete element modeling of subglacial sediment deformation”.
559 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA,
560 USA.\@
562 \item Br\ae{}dstrup, C.\ F., D.\ L.\ Egholm, S.\ V.\ Ugelvig, \textbf{A.\
563 Damsgaard}, and J.\ L.\ Andersen
564 “Feedbacks between subglacial dynamics and long-term glacial landscape
565 evolution”.
566 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.\@
568 \item Piotrowski, J.\ A., K.\ Tylmann, W.\ Narloch, W.\ Wysota, \textbf{A.\
569 Damsgaard}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, N.\ K.\ Larsen, and J.\ Lesemann
570 “Subglacial mosaic of stable and deforming spots under the Scandinavian
571 Ice Sheet: field, laboratory and numerical data”.
572 Canadian Quaternary Association biannual meeting, August 2013,
573 Edmonton, Canada.
575 \end{etaremune}
577 \subsection*{Poster presentations}
578 \begin{etaremune}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
580 \item Kasmalkar, I., \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, L.\ Goren, J.\ Suckale, and
581 A.\ Cabrales-Vargas
582 “Subglacial Channelization Through Till Deformation and Failure at the
583 Shear Margin”.
584 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., USA.\@
586 \item Li, D., J.\ Suckale, A.\ Cabrales, and \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}
587 “Till dynamics underneath ice streams with a nonlocal dense granular
588 flow model”.
589 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.\@
591 \item Cabrales-Vargas, A., J.\ Suckale, \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard}, and L.\
592 Goren
593 “Spatially variable till deformation and water transport in ice-stream
594 shear margins from numerical simulations”.
595 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.\@
597 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, S.\
598 Tulaczyk, N.\ K.\ Larsen, and C.\ F.\ Br\ae{}dstrup
599 “Numerical modeling of particle-fluid mixtures in a subglacial
600 setting”.
601 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco,
602 CA, USA.\@
604 \item \textbf{Damsgaard, A.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, S.\
605 Tulaczyk, and N.\ K.\ Larsen
606 “Numerical modelling of granular subglacial deformation using the
607 discrete element method”.
608 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria,
609 EGU2013\textendash{}4026.
611 \item \textbf{Christensen, A.\ D.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, J.\ A.\ Piotrowski, and
612 S.\ Tulaczyk
613 “Discrete element modelling of subglacial sediment deformation”.
614 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria,
615 EGU2012\textendash{}2931.
617 \item Clausen, O.\ R., D.\ L.\ Egholm, R.\ Wesenberg, and \textbf{A.\ D.\
618 Christensen} (presenting author)
619 “Salt movements and faulting of the overburden \textemdash{} can numerical
620 modeling predict the fault patterns above salt structures?”
621 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria,
622 EGU2012\textendash{}1615.
624 \item \textbf{Christensen, A.\ D.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, and J.\ A.\ Piotrowski
625 “Numerical modelling of sediment deformation by glacial stress”.
626 International Union for Quaternary Research Congress 2011,
627 Bern, Switzerland.
629 \item \textbf{Christensen, A.\ D.}, D.\ L.\ Egholm, and J.\ A.\ Piotrowski
630 “Numerical modelling of subglacial sediment deformation”.
631 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria,
632 EGU2011\textendash{}7829.
634 \end{etaremune}
636 \section*{Professional affiliations}
637 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
638 \item Member, Danish Geotechnical Society (2022\textendash{}present)
639 \item Board Member, Geological Society of Denmark (2021\textendash{}2023)
640 \item Member, Geological Society of Denmark (2023\textendash{}present)
641 \item Member, American Geophysical Union (2013\textendash{}present)
642 \item Member, Geological Society of America (2017\textendash{}present)
643 \item Member, International Glaciological Society (2015\textendash{}present)
644 \item Member, European Geosciences Union (2011\textendash{}present)
645 \item Member, CICE Consortium (2017\textendash{}2019)
646 \end{itemize}
648 \section*{Select activities in programming and high-performance computing}
649 For a full list of public projects, please see my Git repository at \url{https://src.adamsgaard.dk}.\\
651 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
653 \item Proficient programmer in C, C\texttt{++}, OpenMP, MPI, Python, CUDA
654 C, MAT\-LAB, Julia, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP,
655 PostgreSQL, MySQL, sh/sed/awk, \LaTeX{}, and Linux/Unix operating
656 system environments.
658 \item Creator of \textbf{sphere}, a three-dimensional discrete element
659 method algorithm with optional fluid coupling. Written in CUDA C, C++,
660 and Python for GPU-based simulation of grain and fluid dynamics.
661 Uses Doxygen software reference documentation and unit testing.
662 Free and open-source licensed.
663 \url{https://src.adamsgaard.dk/sphere}
665 \item Creator of \textbf{Granular.jl}, a two-dimensional discrete element
666 method algorithm for sea-ice simulation with coupling to NOAA ocean and
667 atmosphere models. Written in Julia.
668 Uses Travis-CI automated testing and is fully documented at
669 \url{https://anders-dc.github.io/Granular.jl/latest/}.
670 Free and open-source licensed.
671 \url{https://src.adamsgaard.dk/Granular.jl}
673 \item Creator of \textbf{cosmo.au.dk}, a webpage for inversion of
674 cosmogenic nuclide concentrations. Consists of a responsive front end
675 using HTML and Angular and JQuery Javascript libraries, backed by PHP
676 for queuing and MATLAB for numerical inversion. The service is running
677 on a Ubuntu GNU/Linux virtual machine.
678 \url{https://cosmo.au.dk}
680 \item Creator of \textbf{lbm-d3q19}, a three-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann
681 solver for incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid flow. Written in C with
682 OpenMP parallelization.
683 Free and open-source licensed.
684 \url{https://src.adamsgaard.dk/lbm-d3q19}
686 \item Designed, constructed, and maintained a Dell/NVIDIA 192 CPU-core GPU
687 cluster, Aarhus University. Debian GNU/Linux and Torque/MAUI
688 resource management and sche\-du\-ling.
690 \item Technical reviewer for “Getting Started with Tmux”, Packt
691 Publishing 2014. Tmux is a software application for terminal
692 multiplexing, useful for dealing with multiple programs from a
693 command-line interface.
695 \item Contributor to \textbf{Icepack} and \textbf{CICE}, numerical codes
696 for sea-ice column physics and dynamics.
697 Written in Fortran.
698 \url{https://github.com/CICE-Consortium}
700 Craig, T., E.\ Hunke, A.\ DuVivier, A.\ Dabail, \textbf{A.\ Damsgaard},
701 J.\ F.\ Lemieux, P.\ Blain, M.\ Turner, Mhrib, T.\ Rasmussen, N.\
702 Jeffery
703 “CICE-Consortium: CICE version 6.0.0, Icepack version 1.1.0”.
704 \url{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1900639}
706 \item Creator or the \textbf{scholarref} toolset for automated
707 \LaTeX{} reference management. Written in POSIX shell.
708 Free and open-source licensed.
709 \url{https://adamsgaard.dk/scholarref.html}
711 \item Developer of QGIS plugins and experienced GeoScene3D user.
713 \end{itemize}
715 \section*{Service to the field}
716 \noindent Reviewer for the following agencies and academic journals:
717 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1em,topsep=0.5em,parsep=0in]
718 \item National Science Foundation
719 \item Nature Geoscience
720 \item Communications Earth \& Environment
721 \item Journal of Glaciology
722 \item Quaternary Science Reviews
723 \item The Cryosphere
724 \item Journal of Geophysical Research
725 \item Ocean Modelling
726 \item Boreas
727 \item Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
728 \item Journal of Advances Modeling Earth Systems
729 \item E\&G Quaternary Science Journal
730 \end{itemize}
732 \section*{Teaching}
734 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
736 \item Lecturer, The Geology of Denmark. 5 ECTS, mandatory B.Sc.\ course.
737 Lectures, hands-on exercises, field excursions.
738 Aarhus University, spring semester 2020 and 2021.
740 \item Lecturer, Quaternary Geology, 10 ECTS, mandatory B.Sc.\ course.
741 Lectures, laboratory exercises, field excursion.
742 Aarhus University, spring semester 2020\textendash{}2022.
744 \item Advanced Water Cycle Management Ph.D. Course, Aarhus University. Lecture on
745 “The geological settings in Denmark and their impact on the groundwater system”,
746 August 2021 and 2022.
749 \item Completed the Aarhus University Teacher Training Program on pedagogy
750 and learning design, providing a theoretical and practical basis for
751 delivering excellence in university teaching. Spring 2021.
753 \item Lecturer, workshop on granular modeling using the discrete element
754 method. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geoscience,
755 November 2017.
757 \item Guest teacher in SIO 209 “Palaeoclimate seminar”, Scripps
758 Institution of Oceanography. Gave class on subglacial friction and ice
759 sheet stability. April 2016.
761 \item Guest teacher in SIO 115 “Ice in the Climate System”, Scripps
762 Institution of Oceanography. Gave class on glacier dynamics and
763 subglacial mechanics and hydrology. March 2016.
765 \end{itemize}
767 \section*{Supervision}
769 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
771 \item 2023: 7 B.Sc.\ students, Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University:
772 Adam Petterson,
773 Ahadi Ruganiza,
774 Anders Sørensen,
775 Frederick Hornung,
776 Gitte Bertelsen,
777 Lærke Ditlevsen,
778 Lisbeth Pedersen.
780 \item 2022:
781 Morten Jessen: M.Sc.\ student, Department of Geoscience,
782 Aarhus University.
784 \item 2022:
785 Franch Elbeck: B.Sc.\ student, Department of Geoscience,
786 Aarhus University.
788 \item 2021:
789 Asger A.\ Larsen: M.Sc.\ student, Department of Geoscience,
790 Aarhus University.
792 \item 2021:
793 Prayati Sharma: Erasmus Intern, Department of Geoscience,
794 Aarhus University.
796 \item 2021:
797 Louise Lassen: B.Sc.\ student, Department of Geoscience,
798 Aarhus University.
800 \item 2021:
801 Marie Winther: B.Sc.\ student, Department of Geoscience,
802 Aarhus University.
804 \item 2020\textendash{}2021:
805 Ian Madden: Graduate student, Institute for Computational
806 \& Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University.
808 \item 2017\textendash{}2021:
809 Indraneel Kasmalkar: Graduate student, Department of
810 Geophysics, Stanford University.
812 \item 2018:
813 MonTre D.\ Hudson: Summer intern, Program in Atmospheric
814 and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University.
816 \end{itemize}
818 \section*{Outreach}
819 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
822 \item First grade in Lystrup Skole elementary school, Lystrup, Denmark.
823 Presentation on Greenland, fieldwork, and climate.
824 May 2022.
826 \item Forskningens døgn (The Festival of Research about Time), Aarhus University.
827 “Tidens tand på Jordens overflade” (The toll of time on the Earth surface).
828 Designed and staffed booth on Earth-surface processes and glaciations.
829 April 2022.
831 \item Aarhus University U-Days 2021 and 2022, one hour lecture
832 “Fremtiden for jordens iskapper: Findes svaret i geologien eller supercomputeren?”
833 on glaciology and climate change.
834 February 2022.
836 \item Geoscience internship days 2021, presentation and field
837 trip with highschool students.
838 November 2021.
840 \item DR1 Viden (Danish Broadcasting Corporation, science section
841 of public service radio and television broadcasting company)
842 article on quicksand in Denmark.
843 “Det bugner med kviksand i Danmark: Sådan kommer du op af de skjulte fælder”.
844 October 2021. \url{https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/natur/det-bugner-med-kviksand-i-danmark-saadan-kommer-du-op-af-de-skjulte-faelder}
846 \item Branbjerg H\o{}jskole, two hour lecture
847 “Fra Is til Os” on glaciology and geomorphology in Denmark.
848 Salary donated to charity
849 \emph{Branbjerg H\o{}jskole elevst\o{}tteforening}.
850 October 2020.
852 \item Podcast interview (1 hour) “The Changelog” about climate
853 science and my research in glaciology. January 2020.
854 \url{https://changelog.com/podcast/378}
856 \item Article (two full pages) in danish newspaper “Nordjyske
857 Stifttidende” about my research on climate change and sediment
858 mechanics. September 2015.
860 \item Presentations about climate change and glaciology to high-school
861 teachers. Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University. October 2013.
863 \item Arranged introductory talks about the research activities of faculty
864 members. Aarhus University, 2012\textendash{}2013.
866 \item “The Rolling University” (Danish: “Det Rullende Universitet”):
867 Held a series of lectures at local high schools about climate change.
868 Fall 2011.
870 \item “Nature in the tent” (Danish: “Natur i teltet”): Public outreach
871 in the city center in Aarhus, Denmark. Summer 2009.
873 \end{itemize}
875 \subsection*{Teaching assistance at Aarhus University during Ph.D.\ studies}
876 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in,topsep=0in,parsep=0in]
878 \item Theoretical Geophysics (exercises)
879 \item Geophysical Methods (exercises and field excursions)
880 \item Sedimentology (exercises)
881 \item Numerical Modeling (exercises)
882 \item Sedimentary Processes and Environments (classes, exercises, and field
883 excursions)
884 \item Introductory Petrology (classes and exercises)
885 \item Basin analysis and modeling (classes and exercises)
886 \item Geographical Information Systems (exercises)
887 \item Quaternary Sediments (classes and field excursion)
888 \item Geomodeling (exercises)
889 \item Palaeontology and stratigraphy (exercises)
890 \item Hydrology, soil processes, and dynamic geomorphology\\
891 (classes, exercises, and field excursion)
893 \end{itemize}
895 \end{document} |