tadd preliminary plot generator - cosmo - front and backend for Markov-Chain Monte Carlo inversion of cosmogenic nuclide concentrations
git clone git://src.adamsgaard.dk/cosmo
commit 975cbd537b90d0449110c9a21a0a7effc32341ba
parent 18f347b2531e003200eb970faa5c465cb5d0cfa8
Author: Anders Damsgaard 
Date:   Wed, 26 Aug 2015 16:19:20 +0200

add preliminary plot generator

  M matlab/file_scanner_mcmc_starter.m  |       6 +++++-
  A matlab/generate_plots.m             |     206 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  M matlab/mcmc_inversion.m             |      12 ++++++++----

3 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/matlab/file_scanner_mcmc_starter.m b/matlab/file_scanner_mcmc_starter.m
t@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ matlab_scripts_folder = 'm_pakke2014maj11/';
 %% general settings
 debug = true; % show debugging output to matlab console
+% output graphics formats
+graphics_formats = ['fig', 'png', 'pdf'];
 %% initialization
t@@ -73,7 +76,8 @@ while 1
             record_threshold_min, record_threshold_max);
         % generate plots
-        CompareWalks2(Ss, save_file)
+        %CompareWalks2(Ss, save_file)
+        generate_plots(Ss, save_file, graphics_formats)
         % delete or archive the file so it is not processed again
diff --git a/matlab/generate_plots.m b/matlab/generate_plots.m
t@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+function generate_plots(Ss, save_file, formats)
+%% Copied from m_pakke2014maj11/CompareWalks2.m
+% Generates and saves all relevant figures
+S = Ss{1};
+fixed_stuff = S.fs;
+Nwalkers = fixed_stuff.Nwalkers;
+M = size(fixed_stuff.mminmax,1);
+%Compare BurnIn
+for iwalk=1:min(4,Nwalkers) %only up to the first four walks
+  QsBurnIns(:,iwalk)=Ss{iwalk}.QsBurnIn;
+  Qss(:,iwalk)       =Ss{iwalk}.Qs;
+  acceptss(:,iwalk)=Ss{iwalk}.accepts;
+  normdmpropspr(:,iwalk) = sqrt(sum(Ss{iwalk}.lump_MetHas.dmpropspr.^2)/M);
+  normdmcurspr(:,iwalk) = sqrt(sum(Ss{iwalk}.lump_MetHas.dmcurspr.^2)/M);
+ylabel('St. sum of sq.')
+title('Burn in')
+grid on
+% ylabel('St. sum of sq.')
+title(['Sampling. Result file =',save_file],'interp','none')
+grid on
+ylimit = ylim;
+title('Cur2cur step lengths (Stdz)')
+title('Proposed step lengths (Stdz)')
+fs = Ss{1}.fs;
+title('Data and Model')
+%text out nucleides, RelError, depths
+str = ['Nucleides'];
+for i=1:length(fs.Nucleides)
+  str = [str,' - ',fs.Nucleides{i}];
+str = {str,['>>    Rel.Error=',num2str(fs.RelErrorObs)],...
+           ['>>    zobs = ',sprintf('%g, ',fs.zobs)]};
+%text out prior intervals
+for im=1:size(fs.mminmax,1)
+  %str=[fs.mname{im},'_minmax=[',sprintf('%g,%g]. True=%g',fs.mminmax(im,:),fs.m_true(im))];
+  text(0,im+2,str,'fontsize',textfontsize,'interp','none')
+axis ij
+box on
+str = ['Nwalkers:',num2str(fs.Nwalkers),'. ',fs.WalkerStartMode];
+fsamp = fs.BurnIn;
+str = {['BurnIn: ',num2str(fsamp.Nsamp),' skip ',num2str(fsamp.Nskip),' of ',fsamp.ProposerType],...
+  ['>>    StepFactor ',fsamp.StepFactorMode]},
+switch fsamp.StepFactorMode
+  case 'Fixed', str{2} = [str{2},'=',num2str(fsamp.StepFactor)];
+  case 'Adaptive', str{2} = [str{2},', AccRat=',num2str(fsamp.TargetAcceptanceRatio)];    
+fsamp = fs.Sampling;
+str = {['Sampling: ',num2str(fsamp.Nsamp),' skip ',num2str(fsamp.Nskip),' of ',fsamp.ProposerType],...
+  ['>>    StepFactor ',fsamp.StepFactorMode]},
+switch fsamp.StepFactorMode
+  case 'Fixed', str{2} = [str{2},'=',num2str(fsamp.StepFactor)];
+  case 'Adaptive', str{2} = [str{2},', AccRat=',num2str(fsamp.TargetAcceptanceRatio)];    
+axis ij
+box on
+%Compare sampling cross-plots
+fh = [fh;figure];
+Nbin = 50;
+mminmax = fixed_stuff.mminmax; %bounds of uniform prior intervals
+mDistr = fixed_stuff.mDistr;   %'uniform' or 'logunif' for each coordinate
+% M = size(ms,1);
+isub1 = 0;
+for i1=1:M
+  mminmax_i1 = mminmax(i1,:);
+  %   mDistr_i1 = mDistr(i1,:);
+  %   xi = ms(i1,:);
+  switch mDistr(i1,:)
+    case 'uniform',
+      dxbin = diff(mminmax_i1)/Nbin; %we want outside bins to check that we do not sample outside
+      xbins{i1} = linspace(mminmax_i1(1)-dxbin,mminmax_i1(2)+2*dxbin,Nbin+4); %one extra to make pcolor work
+    case 'logunif'
+      dfacxbin = (mminmax_i1(2)/mminmax_i1(1))^(1/(Nbin)); %we want outside bins to check that we do not sample outside
+      xbins{i1} = logspace(log10(mminmax_i1(1)/dfacxbin),log10(mminmax_i1(2)*dfacxbin^2),Nbin+4);
+  end
+  %   for i2 = 1:M
+  for i2 = (i1+1):M
+    %     yi = ms(i2,:);
+    mminmax_i2 = mminmax(i2,:);
+    switch mDistr(i2,:)
+      case 'uniform',
+        dybin = diff(mminmax_i2)/Nbin; %we want outside bins to check that we do not sample outside
+        ybins = linspace(mminmax_i2(1)-dybin,mminmax_i2(2)+2*dybin,Nbin+4);
+      case 'logunif'
+        dfacybin = (mminmax_i2(2)/mminmax_i2(1))^(1/Nbin); %we want outside bins to check that we do not sample outside
+        ybins = logspace(log10(mminmax_i2(1)/dfacybin),log10(mminmax_i2(2)*dfacybin^2),Nbin+4);
+    end
+    W = ones(2); W = conv2(W,W); W = W/sum(W(:));
+    %loop over walks
+    isub1 = isub1+1;
+    for iwalk = 1:min(4,Nwalkers)
+      xi = Ss{iwalk}.ms(i1,:);yi = Ss{iwalk}.ms(i2,:);
+      [smoothgrid,histgrid] = smoothdens(xi,yi,xbins{i1},ybins,W);
+      isub2 = iwalk; isub = isub2 + (isub1-1)*4;
+      if isub>4*5
+        isub1 = 1; isub=1;
+        fh = [fh;figure];
+      end
+      subplot(5,4,isub)
+      pcolor(xbins{i1},ybins,smoothgrid);
+      xlabel(fixed_stuff.mname{i1})
+      ylabel(fixed_stuff.mname{i2})
+      grid on; shading flat; axis tight; set(gca,'fontsize',8);
+      switch mDistr(i1,:)
+        case 'uniform', set(gca,'xscale','lin')
+        case 'logunif', set(gca,'xscale','log')
+      end
+      switch mDistr(i2,:)
+        case 'uniform', set(gca,'yscale','lin')
+        case 'logunif', set(gca,'yscale','log')
+      end
+      axis([mminmax_i1,mminmax_i2])
+    end
+  end
+fh = [fh;figure];
+for i1 = 1:M
+  for iwalk=1:min(4,Nwalkers)
+    isub = (i1-1)*4 + iwalk;
+    subplot(5,4,isub)
+    Nhistc=histc(Ss{iwalk}.ms(i1,:),xbins{i1});
+    bar(xbins{i1},Nhistc,'histc')
+    xlabel(fixed_stuff.mname{i1})
+    %set (gca,'xtick',[1e-7:1e-3]);
+    switch mDistr(i1,:)
+      case 'uniform', set(gca,'xscale','lin','xlim',mminmax(i1,:))
+      case 'logunif', set(gca,'xscale','log','xlim',mminmax(i1,:))
+    end
+  end
+%Putting in titles over figure 2:4
+title(['Density cross-plots A. Result file =',save_file],'interp','none')
+title(['Density cross-plots B. Result file =',save_file],'interp','none')
+title(['Histograms. Result file =',save_file],'interp','none')
+figpos1 = [6         474        1910         504];
+figpos2 =[    12 94 645 887];
+figpos3 =[   610 94 645 887];
+figpos4 =[  1207 94 740 887];
+% for i1 = 1:M
+%   hold off
+%   subplot(M,M,(M-1)*M+i1)
+%   xlabel(fixed_stuff.mname{i1})
+%   subplot(M,M,(i1-1)*M+1)
+%   ylabel(fixed_stuff.mname{i1})
+% end
+% i=1;
diff --git a/matlab/mcmc_inversion.m b/matlab/mcmc_inversion.m
t@@ -126,12 +126,16 @@ switch fs.g_case
     fs.mname{4} = 'd18Oth';
     %>........ Prior information
     % m = [ErateInt,ErateGla,tDegla,dtGla,dtIdtG];
-    fs.ErateIntminmax = [1e-7,1e-3]; %0.26m to 2600 m pr. Quaternary
-    fs.ErateGlaminmax = [1e-7,1e-3];
-    fs.tDeglaminmax   = [10e3,12e3]; %8000 to 10000 yr Holocene
+    %fs.ErateIntminmax = [1e-7,1e-3]; %0.26m to 2600 m pr. Quaternary
+    %fs.ErateGlaminmax = [1e-7,1e-3];
+    fs.ErateIntminmax = [epsilon_int_min, epsilon_int_max]; %0.26m to 2600 m pr. Quaternary
+    fs.ErateGlaminmax = [epsilon_gla_min, epsilon_gla_max];
+    %fs.tDeglaminmax   = [10e3,12e3]; %8000 to 10000 yr Holocene
+    fs.tDeglaminmax   = [t_degla - t_degla_uncer, t_degla + t_degla_uncer];
     %     fs.dtGlaminmax    = [40e3,200e3];
     %     fs.dtIdtGminmax   = [0,0.5];
-    fs.d18Othminmax = [3.6,4.4];
+    %fs.d18Othminmax = [3.6,4.4];
+    fs.d18Othminmax = [record_threshold_min, record_threshold_max];
     fs.ErateIntDistr = 'logunif';
     fs.ErateGlaDistr = 'logunif';