  |  ____X-OnLine's          _   _       _                    ____  _____   |
  | |  __ \      | |        | \ | |     | |                  |___ \|  __ \  |
  | | |  | |_   _| | _____  |  \| |_   _| | _____ _ __ ___     __) | |  | | |
  | | |  | | | | | |/ / _ \ | . ` | | | | |/ / _ \ '_ ` _ \   |__ <| |  | | |
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  |              F F F F F F        A A           Q Q Q Q                   |
  |              F                 A   A         Q       Q                  |
  |              F                A     A       Q         Q                 |
  |              F F F F         A A A A A      Q         Q                 |
  |              F              A         A     Q      Q  Q                 |
  |              F             A           A     Q       QQ                 |
  |              F            A             A     Q Q Q Q  Q Q              |
  |                                                                         |
  |                              Revision 2.0                               |
  |                             Date: 04/10/96                              |
  |                                                        (C)1996 X-OnLine |
        This document is in no way put together, distributed, or licensed by
Apogee/3D Realms. If you have any new information or corrections to the file,
e-mail (or 102332,1306 on CompuServe). This file was
put together under Microsoft Windows 95 MS-DOS Mode "Edit".
Best viewed/printed under Microsoft DOS Edit and Windows/Win95-WinMode
"NotePad" or the Win95 WordPad "Courier New" font.


        Duke Nukem 3D IS Duke Nukem 3 with a "D" to equal "3D" as in the
Duke's new game format ("DOOM-type games"). It uses the "BUILD" game engine
which is simular to the one Id used for DOOM except with a lineup of advance-
ments including the ability to use multi-colored lights rather than DOOM's
limitations to whites, and the ability to look up and down. That's not all
but it's a start.


        It covers tips & cheats for the greatest PC game on earth, Duke3D!
When we refer to "OPEN" or "FIRE" in this file, it can be anything, depending
on how you have configured your Keyboard, Mouse, or GamePad/Joystick.


        Here's a little history on Apogee (with division, 3D Realms) and their
relationship with their current competitors, the makers of DOOM, Id Software.

        Apogee's popularity began with the release of the Commander Keen
series which was programmed by the programming pros of Id Software and
distributed by the later-to-be-Dukers. The two companies stayed together
as their manufacturing/distributing partnership led them to the revolutionary
debut of the 3D-perspectived shooter style of today, the one that started it
all, Wolfenstein 3D. Wolf3D's success made the name of little Id spread wide
in the PC gaming industry and Apogee went on to solo projects.
        By this time, the two companies both were fairly known in the PC world
and Id began the project that carried on the popularity of 3D shooters, the
Hell-themed game that has become the example of the genre and definately one
of the industry's landmarks and cause for a billion clones, DOOM. At which
time Apogee worked on their own plan to carry on for Wolf3D, BlakeStone.
        Apogee released BlakeStone exactly ONE day before DOOM came out and
was clearly NUKED by the Satanic force of Id's bridge to solo success. DOOM
was then released on multiple platforms including Sega 32X, Sony PSX, Super
Nintendo, and more with it's overwhelming realism and playability. Apogee went
on to newer projects including RISE of the TRIAD (which XOL believs didn't get
half as much recognition as we think it deserved). Meanwhile, Id went on and
released HERETIC, followed by it's sequel, "HEXEN: Beyond HERETIC".
        And now, the two companies collide again for another battle to attempt
at the top of the pile of 3D shooters as Id prepares the very well talked-
about "next generation 3D shooter" that features polygon graphics and 3D
rendering, Apogee releases their new hope of victory early, it will all come
together in mid 1996 and it will come down to which one has more revolutionary
features, who can market their game better, and who has a better way of con-
vincing the public of how much the genre of "DOOM-like-games" is advancing and
one will come out on top . . .  Let the battle begin! Id software's QUAKE vs
Apogee/3D Realms' DUKE NUKEM 3D!


        MORNING GLORY. <g>, nevermind. Here it is,

        The battle of Duke II has ended and Duke surveys the surrounding car-
nage with smug satisfaction. Bits and pieces of dead aliens littler the ground
in all directions. Once again, he's saved the Earth. Time for some well-earned
R&R. Yup, a good cigar, a full bottle of whisky, and, ofcourse,   a little fe-
male companionship are just what he needs.
        It's a shame, but he's going to have to cancel that vacation.  At this
very moment, hordes of aliens are invading Los Angeles, taking over the police
department and terrorizing pedestrians. Once again, only one man can save the
Earth from a horrible fate.
        "Don't those bastards ever learn?" Duke mutters to himself, "Oh well-
time to kick the ass of yet another alien race. L.A., here I come!"


        - 486DX2-66 CPU
        - 8MB RAM
        - VGA Graphics
        - Controller (Keyboard, Mouse, and/or Joystick/GamePad)
        - 13MB Free Hard Disk Space

        If you want sound, you need a SoundBlaster 2.0, SB Pro, SB16, SBAWE23,
or Gravis UltraSound sound card. If you want smooth animation in a high res.
mode, you need at least 16MB RAM (the frame rate will drop if you have 8MB)
on a Pentium or better system (486's CANNOT run it in high res. modes!) and
a high performance SuperVGA video card (preferrably a PCI local bus one).
For multiplayer games, you need at least a 9600bps modem for modem link, or
connect by serial link if you are equipt to. Up to eight players can play
at once but only four players are supported in the Shareware version.


        You get the rest of the 28 levels, three more weapons, and even
eight-player games for network gameplay!


        You sure can, look in these areas...
On CompuServe -- GO             REALMS
On America OnLine -- Keyworld   3D REALMS
On The Internet -- The WWW


        You can buy the Full/Registered version of Duke3D at any retail store
carrying PC games from Apogee, as well as directly from Apogee (see the screen
after you quit from the Shareware version).

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  * CURRENT UPDATE!                                                     *
  * The above paragraph does NOT apply until early May 1996 at when the *
  * full game will officially be released.                              *
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        You can download the shareware version of the game on alot of online
services including CompuServe's Apogee/3D Realms (GO REALMS) forum, or check
out the links on the official Duke3D page(
if you have Internet access.
        If you don't have any online access (say, you got this FAQ from a
friend who does) you can buy Duke3D Shareware on CD-ROM, it comes with a copy
of the Shareware Terminal Velocity, another great 3D Realms/Apogee game!
Approximately $9.95 US ($12.95 CAN).


        Just like ALL 3D-prespective shooters (you know what I mean, "DOOM-
type games" <g>), Duke 3D sure DOES have Cheat codes!
        Here are all the codes for Duke Nukem 3D Shareware. Just type them at
any time during gameplay, pause the game to avoid receiving an undesired
function which pressing a particular key within the code may cause.

NOTE: Cheats will NOT work in the highest difficulty -- "Damn, I'm Good".

Cheat Code         What it Does
==========         ============

DNKROZ            (or DNCORNHOLIO) GOD Mode (Invincibility+Unlimited Jetpack)
DNVIEW            Same as the F7 key in the game
DNHYPER           Puts you in Steroids Mode
DNITEMS           Gives all keys
DNSTUFF           Gives all weapons, keys, and inventory items
DNSCOTTYxx        Level Warp. (xx = Episode Number, Level Number. ie."12")
DNSKILLx          Changes the difficulty mode to x. (x = 0, 1, 2, or 3)
DNCLIP            No Clipping Mode (Walk Through Walls) Toggle
DNCASHMAN         Spews money everywhere when you press OPEN.
DNRATE            Shows your frame rate onscreen.
DNBETA            Message "Pirates Suck!"
DNALLEN           Message "Buy Major Stryker"
DNCOSMO           Message "Register Cosmo Today!"
DNMONSTERS        Does Nothing.
DNXXXXXX          Does Nothing.

Warning: Being in God Mode can crash the game at certain points, depending
         on what you are doing.  Being in God mode when you are squashed by
         rotating gears is one example. Also, the DNCLIP code can be very
         dangerous.  It can cause crashes at any time. If you have a problem,
         and have used DNCLIP, restart and try again without using DNCLIP to
         see if it happens normally. This was the main reason they didn't
         include the code in v1.0.


        Here are the walkthrus for each of the stages in the Shareware version
of DUKE NUKEM 3D. If you don't want it spoiled by us, skip this section.
Still, this is not for spoiling the game 100%, in other words, we don't tell
you how to get through all the little parts of a level, all that is included
is what's vital to the stage's completion ; not even mentioning parts you
normally need to know. This extremely detailed walkthru was put together
expecting the use of the DNSTUFF ("Giving Everything") cheat code done once
for each level. It was tested in the "COME GET SOME!" difficulty.
        If you want a nice walkthru to ALL parts of a level, not requiring the
use of any cheats, just check out RepX's pal, Alex Mayberry's Duke3D Walkthru
that is included in this FAQ below XOL's walkthru. He gives as much as he can
unlike us, but don't blame us, we're not that good at the game, we're just
great "info-getters" online and at least we have enough consideration for
fellow gamers to include everything we know, or else we wouldn't have Alex's
walkthru included here, would we? <g> enjoy.

        Walk over to the far end of the roof and blow the fan. Walk through
and drop down the vent, then go to the far end, past the fire hydren, and
into a small area with a door marked "EXIT" and a bridge. Jetpack up to the
bridge and smash the glass, now DETONATE the HOLLYWOOD HOLOCAUST!

        Press your OPEN to lower the elevator, go forward past buildings till
you get to a "BAR |->" sign. Gain access and enter the door that's below it
and keep going till you have past the pool table, "DANCE |->" sign, and are
facing a "TONIGHT, HOT HOT HOT" poster. Turn right, then left at a garage-like
door, gain access on the left of it, and enter the dance club. Go to the right
side of the club, jetpack to the vertical level of the vent, blow the cover,
go into the vent, through to the other end where you blow that cover, and
drop into the backstage area. Now Jetpack up to the raised concrete area,
through past a small hall and a room with crates, kill all the pigs there and
go to the far block heading toward the detonator.

        Get off the chair, go to your right and enter the control room, facing
the chair from inside the control room, press the button switch on your right
to open the curtains outside. Now get out of there, smash the window to the
viewing room, kill the viewers, get out of the area, walk down the hall and to
your right, turn left at the end and open the door after gaining access. Once
in the hall, enter the door to your left and head to your left again and show
your access card to the panel to reveal a brightly-lit area, go up and press
the button switch.
        Now go into the rotating room, turn around and press the button switch
right on the opposite side of the one you just pressed, and quickly step back
before you get crushed (yes, even in GOD Mode). This will open up a small area
with two doors, one on each side, facing eachother. You should be facing a
button switch at this point, go into each of the rooms that are revealed by
the two doors there and switch the each of the ON/OFF switches in the rooms to
their OFF positions. Now press that button switch you were facing earlier on
and step back quickly, then go back down the brightly-lit area you came in
from, out and to your right, back out the red door you went through a minute
ago. When you're back out in the long hallway, head up till you reach a wall
that reads, "CELL BLOCK" "01" and "02". Turn right and go to the switcher just
outside the Cell Block 02 hallway and switch it to the 3rd position.
        The farthest cell should now be opened, go into it and go through the
beach poster there. Head through the rocky path, blow the two destructable
walls that get in your way, and go down to the sewer. Go past the sewage and
out to the sub area, then jump into the water, go through the hatch on the
bottom of the sub. Once inside the sub, go to the control board and DETONATE

        There are three circular buttons placed vertically in the sub, push
the top one followed by the bottom one. Now get out of the sub and go up to
the surface. Go into the large, green-shaded building (the factory) via the
door on the left side of it after gaining access on the panel to the door's
right. Go into the red door on the left side once in the hallway.
        Head over to the far left corner of the place, turn right, and show
your access card to the panel there to reveal a shrinker. Get shrunk, go in
the mini-doorway on the right and turn right in the little hallway.
        When you reach a room with aliens and a shrinker, go to the far-right
end and switch the circular rotation switch to it's GREEN position, get your-
self shrunk and go back out through the same mini-hallway. The Door under the
"<<NO ADMITTANCE BEYOND THIS POINT>>" sign should now be opened, go through
the gate and under water, past the control room, to another control room that
is located on the far-right corner, and push the button switch in there that
faces the water area. Once the water is raised, go out of the control room
through the smashed window, and swim upwards to the surface. Then turn right,
Jetpack up to the land, walk forward till you reach a small area with a but-
ton switch marked "02". Push it and return to the under water area you just
came up from, then go through the now-opened gate marked "<<NO ADMITTANCE
BEYOND THIS POINT>>" and "02". Swim over to yet another control room, now
what inside and facing the room with a huge double-door gate, press the button
switch on the right side.
        The gate will open and reveal rotating gears, go in front of the two
gears and wait for the blue part to come, once it appears, quickly swim into
it (the blue part is where the gear contacts have been cut off, swimming into
a part where the contact is ther will cause the game to crash in GOD Mode or
kill you if GOD Mode is off). When you reach the next area, swim upwards till
you're above water and turn right to be washed down the river.
***     You will be washed to an area full of OctaBrains, JetPack up to the
highly raised area that should now be on your right and go in via one of the
sides. Then turn right and let the river of toxic waste wash you to the end-
of-level detonator.

        Get washed down the river of toxic waste and go over to the right of
the toxic falls where a pig guards the wire door. Gain access on the left and
go through the little area till you reach a huge rocky area. Turn right and
Jetpack over past the cactus platform and a high wall, then go past the toxic
river there and enter the tunnel. When you reach the next mini-area, go up the
stairway right on the left of the one you came up on. When you reach a place
with a huge bonfire, use the yellow handprint under and to the right of the
red and white ring to open a stone door, go through the hallway and drop into
the room at the end.
        Now turn right and use the orange handprint to raise the staircase.
Go up the staircase and stand in front of the horizontal cross till you hear
explosion sounds. No turn around and Jetpack to the raised orange handprint
on the opposite side to activate the shrinker. Now get shrunk and go out the
mini-doorway that leads outside, then go down into the orange-lit hell-like
area. Go forward past the lava and to an upward stairway, go up the stairs
and when you come to a small window that reveals the green top of the space
ship, go into the downward stairway on the right side of it until you reach
an open area with lava ambience sounds. Jetpack hovering above the stoney
bridge and land at the end of it. Turn right and head to the end of the small
hallway where you turn left, and open the horizontal oval-shaped door.
        Go into the green-lit path full of Octabrains, walk in front of the
door there and it will open automatically. Once past the gate there, turn
to your right to press a small light-green button switch to open the next
door ahead. Walk forward and drop into the pit, then turn 45 degrees to see
the final door, open it with the little button switch to the right of it and
walk forward in the final battle room till the boss appears.
        Kill the boss and the L.A. MELTDOWN is over!

******---=== How do you enter the Hidden Level:  LAUNCH FACILITY? ===---******
|       To get to the hidden level of Duke3D Shareware, at the point in our  |
| Level 4 walkthru marked with "***", instead of continueing on from there,  |
| do this...                                                                 |
|       Use your Jetpack so the toxic waste doesn't wash you past the place, |
| blow the destructable wall on the side and go into the room in reveals. Go |
| to the far corner of it and you will be teleported to the hidden level (6),|
| the LAUNCH FACILITY!                                                       |

        What say you do this one yourself? it's not that hard...


        Well, if you're such an honest person, why are you asking us for help?
So we're not giving you help on that!
<g> just kidding,
Like I said up in the previous answer, we're "info-getters" that give the info
we get to fellow players generously, so here you are, Alex Mayberry's Duke3D

[From Alex Mayberry's Unofficial Duke Nukem 3D Walkthru]

LEVEL1 - Hollywood Holocaust ************************************************

Top of Building:
        - Ammo hidden behind crate.
        - Shoot yellow tanks (don't get too close!)
        - Drop down shaft to street below.

Main Street:
        - Jump on crate. Jump on slope of building. Jump on ledge where the
          billboard is.  Get RPG that rises out of the ledge.
        - Use slope of building to jump through windows into apartment.
        - Open the "Attack of the Bleach Blonde Biker Bimbos" poster in the 
          apartment to reveal a secret compartment.
        - Get health powerup from building slope. Obtain it either from
          jumping out of the window from the apartment, or by jumping on the 
          street sign, and then jumping onto the building slope.
        - Get ammo from inside crate where fire is burning.
        - Launch RPG into cinema box office, which will destroy wall and allow
          access to theater (otherwise, you'll have to go around through the 
          back door).
        - Another secret apartment is located through the window just above
          the palm tree, next to the CINEMA sign. You won't be able to access
          it until you either have obtained a jetpack, or have reached the
          bridge to the exit, where you can drop down onto the ledge that
          runs around the building.  You can then jump from the ledge onto
          the palm tree, and then from the palm tree in through the window.

        - Stand on trash can near lift to arcade, then open secret door to 
          reveal hidden compartment.
        - Hit switch on cash register at snack bar to open compartment above
          and to the right of the main entrance.  Access compartment by using
          the secret lift that is hidden in the floor (it's located in the
          area where there is a double line in the brick pattern of the wall.
          (You may have to feel around for it).
        - Enter office behind snack bar.  When you come out a room will have
          opened up at the other end of the snack bar.  Retrieve health 

        - Ammo behind sofa.
        - Shoot ventilation grate above stalls.
        - Get medkit.
        - Crawl through air shaft.
        - Where the air shaft turns to the right, the corner wall can be
          destroyed with a pipebomb or RPG.  Inside it a HoloDuke is hidden.
        - Shoot grate at top of air shaft, then access secret area behind
          the projectionist's room.

   Projectionist's Room:
        - Get Keycard.
        - Get health powerup from top of projector.
        - Get RPG from area that will open up after health powerup is 
        - Hit switch that starts movie.

        - Get ammo and armor from theater.
        - Shoot center of screen with RPG, opening up entrance to the hidden
          area beyond.
        - Jump through hole in screen and grab jetpack and ammo.

        - From safety of lift, shoot yellow tanks.  The explosion will open
          a hole in the floor that leads back to the theater. It should also
          kill anything in the room.
        - "Play" with Duke Nukem arcade game.  This will open a compartment in
          the wall that holds a HoloDuke.
        - Use keycard to open locked door.
        - In room beyond locked door, immediately jump up and take cover
          behind the near side of the crate.  A wall will then explode, and a
          Pig Cop will enter through the hole.  The crate will protect you
          from the explosion.

   Exit Area:
        - Before hitting the End-Level detonator, use the jetpack to rise 
          upward from the bridge.  At the top of the building will be some
          turrets.  Use the RPG to destroy them.  One of the turrets guards
          a secret alcove containing ammo and another jetpack.
        - Go access the 2nd secret apartment next to the CINEMA sign (using
          jetpack, or building ledge.

LEVEL 2 - Red Light District ************************************************

Adult Bookstore:
   Main Room:
        - Hidden room accessed by opening bookcase against right hand wall.
        - Health power-up on top of bookcase behind counter.
        - Secret compartment in corner just to the right of where the health
          powerup is located.
   Viewing Rooms:     
        - Check for ammo/health by shooting trash cans in viewing rooms.
        - RPG located in last viewing room.
        - Destructible wall at far end of hallway, past last viewing room (use
          pipebomb, or RPG to destroy)

        - Switch next to mirror opens compartment with night vision goggles.

   Locked Door:
        - Use this sequence to unlock (X=RED, O=GREEN):
                O X O

   Beyond Locked Door:
        - Use night vision goggle for best results.
        - Map overlay works well to explore this area.
        - Health powerup in this area.
        - Ride lift to upstairs apartment.

        - Get blue key from small compartment near the bed.
        - Switch in adjoining room activates "Duke Nukem Must Die" sign across
          the street (entertainment purposes only).
        - Get machine gun and ammo from bedroom.
        - Shoot trash can for health.
        - Pig Cop will be waiting for you at bottom of lift. If desired, you 
          can throw a pipebomb onto the lift, then lower it and detonate bomb.
          Raise lift back up, then ride down to the bottom.  Pig Cop should be 

   3D Realms Demolition Co.
        - Access the lock with the blue keycard.
        - Sequence for unlocking detonator switch:
                X O O X      (X=RED, O=GREEN)
        - Use switch to destroy condemned building across the street.

   Demolished Building:
        - Get Yellow keycard, medkit, and ammo.
        - If desired, use pipebomb to blow up manhole cover.
        - Drop down into sewer.
        - Get Health powerup, jet pack, night vision goggles, HoloDuke,
          steroids, and ammo.
        - Exit sewer by using jetpack and rising back out of manhole.

     Billiard Room:   
        - Play with pool table (entertainment purposes only)
        - Shoot potted plants.
        - In bathroom, wall behind toilet is a secret door leading back into
     Bar Room:
        - Watch O.J. chase on TV (entertainment purposes only)
        - Shoot TV (even MORE entertainment)
        - Get red keycard from compartment directly behind the bar.

   Dance Club:
        - Give money to dancers (entertainment purposes only)
        - There's a couch on the far wall to the left.  Walk on it, then turn
          and run to the opposite side of the room.  Up where the girls are
          dancing on the platform, a wall will have opened behind them. Jump
          up on the platform and collect some bonuses. 
        - Shoot grate on right-hand wall.  Stand on table, then run and jump
          into air shaft.  Shoot grate at other end.  Drop pipebomb out the
          opening and blow up waiting Pig Cop.
        - Drop out of shaft and throw switch that opens curtain. 
        - Use dancer's platform to jump up to backstage area.
        - More night vision goggles on platform above switch.  Can be obtained
          by a run-and-jump from backstage area.
        - Find medkit backstage in compartment between crates.
        - Head toward End-Level detonator. Before reaching it, you will be
          captured by Pig Cops.  This will end the level, and transport you
          to level 3.  This is the way the level is supposed to end, so don't
          worry about not reaching the End-Level detonator.

LEVEL 3 - Death Row *********************************************************

Electric Chair Room:
        - Get off the chair, quick!
        - Kick in window to security room.
        - Get pistol/ammo from compartment in wall.
        - Use the switch on the left side of the window in the security room
          to lower the electric chair.
        - Crouch, and drop down into the area behind the electric chair. Get
          the shotgun.
        - Use the switch on the right side of the window in the security room
          to open the curtains to the viewing area.
        - Break glass to the viewing area and exit the electric chair room.
        - Look for a discolored wall to the left of the window in the viewing
          area.  It's a secret compartment that holds a HoloDuke.
        - Shoot stain-glass windows.
        - Throw switch at the foot of the alter to open the secret area 
          behind the cross.
        - Enter the secret area and retrieve machine gun.
        - Back in the chapel, position yourself against the wall set between
          the two entrances.  Turn and face the alter.  Above the alter you
          will see a switch.  Shoot the switch, and the portion of the floor
          you are standing on will rise.  When it stops, you'll have access
          to a small, hidden loft area.  Get the health powerup that's hidden
        - Before leaving the loft, turn and shoot the hanging monk.  Another
          health powerup will drop to the floor.

        - Move the bed, which will reveal a small crawl space.
        - Get ammo from crawl space.
        - Check out small tunnel and get more ammo.

Gear Room:
        - Jump on low gear, then jump on high gear.  From high gear, jump
          into the small control room.
        - Get blue keycard from the compartment in the wall.
        - Back out in the area with the gears, there is a health powerup on
          a ledge.  You can obtain it by jumping from the low gear.  If you
          then follow this ledge to it's end, there is a compartment hidden in
          the wall that holds a pair of night vision goggles.

Hallway Around Central Control Room:
        - Shoot yellow tanks, which will open the tunnel to the outer cell
        - Check out showers, get boots/ammo/health.
        - Get Yellow keycard from secured area.

Outer Courtyard:
        - Get red keycard and ammo from lower floor.
        - Destroy turrets.
        - Jump on sloping supports surrounding outer door.  From the supports, 
          you can jump up onto the ledges where the turrets are.  Collect ammo
          and weapons from these areas. (Forget about trying to open the door
 only opens from the opposite side).
        - From the ledges where the turrets are located, there is another 
          sloping support along the side wall.  Jump on that, and enter the
          secret room above the door.  Collect the health powerups.
        - There is a destructible wall to your far left as you enter the 
          courtyard from the main facility.  It's not really noticeable, but
          it's located just to the left of the last turret, in the rock 
          portion of the wall.  An RPG shot will open a hole in it, revealing 
          a passage that leads into Cell Block 1.

Central Control Room:
        - Enter one of the red keyed doors.
        - Hit the switch that will rotate the main control room.
        - Get the machine gun from the pedestal with the floating holographic
          head on it.
        - Shoot or hit the switch that rotates the room (make sure that you 
          get back inside the room before it revolves).
        - Shoot the grate on the back wall and get armor (if you drop down
          the shaft it will lead back out to beginning hallway).
        - To either side of the grate in the wall is a small security door.
          Enter each door, and throw the switch on the wall.  You can use
          the video monitors to verify that you've now lowered the forcefields
          in the Cell Block.
        - After lowering the forcefields, open the red door on the other side
          of the control room.  Be careful not to trip the laser bombs. You
          can successful detonate the lasers by throwing a pipebomb through
          the field.
        - Once you've eliminated the lasers, walk through the door and open
          up the map display at the end of the small catwalk.  When you do
          so, it'll open up a small compartment on either side of the bridge.
          Jump into these and collect the Health powerup and pipebombs.

Cell Block 1:
        - Blow up the yellow tank (will open hole in floor leading back to 
          outer hallway.
        - Collect ammo/weapons/health from individual cells.

Cell Block 2:
        - In cell 3 you'll find a poster on the wall.  The poster is covering
          up a hidden passage.  Walk though the poster and into the passage
          beyond.  Collect the pipebombs there, and use them to destroy the
          walls with the cracks in them. This will eventually lead you to 
          the sewer, which will give you access to the submarine area.

Submarine Area:
        - You can now open the door back to the courtyard by throwing the
          switch set in the support to the right of the door.
        - Jump on the support, and open the secret compartment above the 
          switch.  Get the night vision goggles from the compartment.
        - Use the 'crouch' key to dive below the waters surface.  You'll find
          some pipebombs under the submarine.
        - Position yourself under the submarine and use the 'jump' key to 
          rise up into the sub. (Forget about the door in front of the sub, 
          it doesn't open).

Inside Submarine:
        - Set in the rear wall of the sub is a secret door that leads to the
          engine room.  Hidden there is a medkit.
        - At the front of the sub is a switch that will allow you to access
          the periscope (video monitor).
        - End the level by hitting the detonator at the front of the sub.

LEVEL 4 - Toxic Dump ********************************************************

Trapped in Submarine:
        - To exit the submarine, use the following switch combination:
                                      X      (X=RED, O=GREEN)
        - Once you throw the correct switches, you can exit the sub through
          the emergency hatch that will open.

Outside Submarine:
   Under water:
        - There's a small passage off to one side of the sub.  One of the 
          walls has a crack in it.  RPG or pipebomb the wall to open up the
          entrance to the area beyond.  There you'll find a health powerup
          and some pipebombs.

   Above water:
        - Jump up on the very top of the sub.  After doing so, dive back 
          below the surface and enter the submarine again.  Once inside, rise
          to the very top.  A compartment should have opened, revealing some
        - Back outside the sub and above the water's surface, you'll find 
          another side passage.  Follow this one up to the top where you'll
          discover an RPG and the blue keycard (watch out for the turrets!)
        - Once you have the blue keycard, use it to gain entrance to the 
          Nuclear Waste Disposal Unit.

Nuclear Waste Disposal Unit:
        - Inside you'll find a main room with a conveyer belt, and a 
          mechanical arm that drops from the floor and transports barrels of
          toxic waste. After killing all the enemies inside, stand on the 
          pick up point of the conveyer belt and the arm will come down and
          grab you by the head.  It will then transport you up and across the
          room to the next conveyer belt.  Again, stand at the pick up point
          and allow the arm to transport you up and across the room again. It
          will drop you off on the final conveyer belt.
        - Once the arm has finished transporting you, you'll find a small
          control room behind a glass wall. Break the glass and enter the 
          room. Get the red keycard from the compartment in the wall.  You 
          may also open the access door to the hallway that leads back to 
          the main entrance.
        - After getting the red keycard, ride the conveyer belt up to the 
          next control room.  Again, break the glass and enter the room.
          You'll find a switch on the far wall that will open the storage
          tanks, inside of which is a health powerup. Follow the conveyer to 
          it's end and drop back down into the main room.  
        - Use the red keycard to activate the shrink ray in the next room.
          You'll know that you've been shrunk when your weapon turns into a
          fist in front of you. Once shrunk, RUN as fast as you can through
          the small access tunnel to the right of the shrink ray.  Follow
          this passage to the right and into the room beyond. Make sure not
          to get trapped in the tunnel when the shrink effect wears off,
          otherwise you'll be killed.
        - In the next room, you'll find a switch on one wall, as well as 
          another active shrink ray.  Throw the switch and then once shrunk
          again, RUN back out the way you came (Note: Any enemies that get
          shrunk while you are normal sized may be stepped on.  Just walk
          up to them, and Duke will squish them with his boot!).
        - Once you get back to the room with the first shrink ray, you'll 
          see that a door has been opened. Go through this door and into the
          underwater facility below.

Underwater Facility:
        - Underwater, you'll see several spiked mines on chains.  If you
          shoot these from a distance they'll explode.  One of these mines
          will blow up a portion of a wall, exposing a small secret alcove
          containing a machine gun and some ammo.
        - Find the small control room with a switch near the window.  This
          switch will raise the water level.  Once the water level has been
          raised, you may float to the surface and access the area above.

Above Surface of Water:
        - You'll find a tall sloping slab of rock. You'll need to run along
          this slope and jump off the edge to the rocky area on the other 
          side of the water (Note: there is also a small alcove just to the
          right that you can jump contains some ammo.
        - Once on the other side, you'll find a small niche with a video 
          monitor and two switches.  The first switch will lower the surface
          of the water again, while the second switch will open a large door
          under water marked 02. Use the video monitor to verify that you
          did indeed open it.
        - Just outside the niche is a wall with a crack in it.  You can 
          destroy this wall to open up a passage. You can continue opening up 
          this passage until it reaches the submarine area.
        - After you've opened up the #02 door under the water, dive back down
          to the underwater facility.

Underwater Facility (revisited):
        - Enter area beyond the door that you opened.
        - You'll find another small control room with a switch that will open
          a set of swinging doors, beyond which is a pair of revolving gears.
          You'll need to run through these gears. Each gear has a broken tooth
          indicated by a gray stripe. When the gray stripes are facing 
          each other, that's the time to run through. Using the map overlay
          can also be useful for navigating this area.
        - Once through the gears, rise to the surface of the water and follow
          the stream to the area beyond.
        - As you're traveling downstream, watch for a crack in a wall on the
          right hand side. Destroy the wall and there will be a teleporter
          beyond. This will teleport you to a small secret area.  You can
          then follow the stream to the large waterfall area beyond.

Waterfall Area:

        - At the ground floor of this area is the entrance to a small room.
          At the top of this room is a switch.  When you hit the switch, a
          panel across the main arena will slide up, revealing yet another
        - Exit the room and then climb the waterfall adjacent to the second
          switch. At the top of the waterfall, jump on the ledge opposite the 
          switch, and stand on the platform at the end of the ledge.  Now, 
          shoot the switch, and another platform will slide across the room
          to meet you.  You'll have to be quick and RUN/JUMP onto this 
          platform. It will carry you across to the other side of the room, 
          giving you access to the sewer (You may find it helpful to have the
          CAPLOCK key on while you do this.  This will put you in RUN MODE).

        - At the entrance to the sewer is a spinning fan.  Shoot the spinning
          fan to gain access to the ventilation shaft.  You can enter the 
          shaft by standing on the ledge to the right and jumping inside
          (this jump can be a bit tricky, since the current wants to pull you
          off the ledge).
        - Follow the sewer downstream. Once you get pulled into the current, 
          keep your eyes open for a wall with a crack in it.  It will be on
          your left hand side as you move down stream.
        - When you spot the wall, destroy it and you'll gain access to a 
          teleporter.  This teleporter is the entrance to the secret sixth
          level, The Launch Facility.
        - If you do not wish to go to the sixth level, you may continue
          downstream until you reach the End-Level detonator, which will 
          end the level and allow you to go on to the final level, The Abyss.

LEVEL 5 - The Abyss *********************************************************

Starting Point:
        - Follow sewer to exit...take right hand walkway around corner till
          you find a door.  Inside the room beyond is a pair of protective
          boots. You'll need 'em.
        - Go explore outside canyon area.

Outside Canyon Area:
        - Find blue keycard on rock pedestal.
        - You'll locate the blue keyed door below and to the side of the
          sewer exit, in the green slime.
        - The area is extensive, so search it thoroughly.

Blue Keyed Door:
        - Once you go through the blue keyed door, there is a dark area just
          inside and to the left.  If you have night vision goggles, use them
          to view the message on the wall, and find the ammo.
        - Continue down the path until you reach the outside area again.
        - You'll come to a wide spot in the path before it ends abruptly at
          a cliff. Back into this wide spot and face the cave opposite the
          gorge. RUN/JUMP across the gap and into the cave.
        - Once you reach the safety of the cave, go around the corner and 
          jump back across the gorge to the next ledge (It's the one where
          the cactus is).
        - When you've reached the ledge with the cactus, walk to the end
          where the "San Andreas Fault" sign is.  When you walk up to it, 
          you'll trigger an earthquake that will open up the area down 
        - Go explore the area below until you find the entrance to the caves.
          Just make sure not to fall off the ledge and die from the fall.

        - The caves are also extensive so search them thoroughly. 
        - If you see a waterfall, try hopping inside.
        - If you find hand prints on the walls, try switching them on.
        - You need to find a circular area with a fire burning in the 
          center. Once you find this area, use the hand print switches to 
          open the hidden alcove with the RPG, and the passage into the cave
        - Follow the passage until you drop into a much larger circular room.
          On one wall will be another hand print switch.  This switch will
          build a set of stairs.  At the top of these stairs is a cross-
          shaped window. Make sure to walk right up to the window and look 
          out.  By doing so, you'll trigger a small quake that will open up
          a passage in the large lava area.
        - At the top of the stairs is also a rock ledge and another hand print
          switch.  Jump up on the ledge and hit the switch.  Immediately 
          turn and jump off the stairs and run across the room and jump on
          the platform that is rising.  You need to do this before it gets
          too high.  If you're too late, you'll have to go back up the 
          stairs and reset it.
        - At the top of the platform is another hand print switch. This switch
          will activate a shrink ray in the lava area.  The shrink ray will
          come through the cross shaped window and shrink you.  When it does, 
          drop off the platform and walk under the wall to your right.  This
          will lead back to the lava area.

Lava Area:
        - Explore the lava area until you find the ledge to the right of the
          green falls.  Climb this ledge and continue upward until you reach
          a lava stream with a rock pedestal in the center.  Jump on the
          pedestal and hit the hand print in the wall.
        - The hand print will open up a stream of lava just to your left.  
          Jump up onto the stream and run upward into the passage.  At the 
          top, jump the ledge and enter the cave with the Wildwoman.  There
          you can collect several health powerup.
        - After collecting the powerups, jump back on the stream and follow
          it all the way to the bottom.  At the bottom, you should find an
          open passage to your right, and stairs leading upward.  Take these
          stairs and follow them all the way up into the caves.
        - You'll know you're going the right way when you reach a window and
          can see the spaceship through it.
        - Continue onward through the passage until you come to the area
          outside the ship. Ahead of you will be a series of rock columns
          that you'll need to jump across until you reach the stairs beyond.
        - If you have the jetpack, you might want to explore this area to
          find some of the secrets, and check out the outside of the ship.

        - After navigating the broken columns and climbing the stairs, you'll
          finally reach a large steel oval door.  Open this and proceed into
          the alien ship.
        - When you reach a large black hole in the floor, drop down into it.
          You'll end up in a circular room.  Make sure to explore this area 
          well.  It contains some needed supplies.
        - When you're ready for the final fight, open the last door and enter
          the arena with the Boss.

Final Fight:
        -  I beat the Boss simply by running continuously and firing rockets.
           Also, I made sure to make effective use of the many medkits lying
           around, not using them until I was very low on health.  Using this
           strategy I found that he was not that difficult.
        -  There are additional caches of ammo on the raised platform, behind
           the cocooned women.  Shoot them to gain access.
        -  You might want to make sure your CAPLOCK key is on in this area, so
           that you are in RUN MODE.

LEVEL 6 - Launch Facility ***************************************************

Starting Point:
        - You'll find that a forcefield bars your path in the early part of
          the level. The switch to lower the forcefield is behind the 
          revolving wheel in the toxic waste.  You might want to get the
          protective boots out of the compartment next to the forcefield
          before you access the switch. Also, there is some armor in a small 
          alcove that will open up in the hallway prior to the forcefield.  
          It will be closed when you first pass it, but if you backtrack 
          you'll find that it has opened up (it also will have released some 
          enemies for you to fight).

Circular Room:
        - After lowering the first forcefield, you'll enter a dimly lit 
          circular room.  Walk up the spiraling walkway until you reach a set
          of four switches.  The correct sequence for the switches is as 
          follows:  O X O O   (X=RED, O=GREEN)
        - Once you enter the correct sequence, you'll gain access to the 
          small control room at the top of the spiraling walkway.  Inside is
          the blue keycard, and a switch that lowers one of the forcefields
          in the circular room. 
        - After lowering the next forcefield, follow the passage that it was
          protecting up to the top of a slope.  There are niches on either 
          side that contain pipe bombs.  Directly ahead of you in the darkness
          a health powerup rests on a pedestal.  You'll need to give yourself
          some room, and then run and jump off the slope and onto the 
        - In the room beyond the slope, follow the walkway up to the next
          room. Part way up you'll find an RPG underneath a spinning fan. The
          fan can be destroyed with a pipebomb or RPG, and you can jetpack up 
          through the opening to find some pipebombs.
        - In the room at the top of the walkway, there is a switch that can 
          only be accessed by the blue keycard.  This switch will raise the 
          rocket out on the launch pad below.
        - Go back the way you came and find the room inside the hangar bay 
          that contains the red keycard.  A switch near the window will open 
          the hangar doors and allow you access to the launch pad.

Launch Pad:
        - There is a lift located to the left of the rocket. Ride it to the
          top and find the jetpack next to the video monitor. Use the 
          teleporter to gain access to the inside of the rocket.
        - Inside of the rocket, use the red keycard on the switch in the wall.
        - Exit the rocket via the teleporter, then either jetpack down to the
          bottom of the rocket, or take the lift.
        - Back on the ground floor, enter the small sunken room to the side of
          the hangar doors.  You'll find a switch there that will destroy the
        - There is another lift on the right side of the rocket. After you
          have destroyed the rocket, use the lift to access the area below.
          Find the switch there that opens up the entrance to the sewer.
        - Follow the sewer to the End-Level detonator and end the level.
          You'll then go on to the final level in the game, The Abyss.

[This section was used with express consent from it's writer, Alex Mayberry.
 It is in NO way an "official" walkthru for the game and was not in any way
 helped with making by 3D Realms or Apogee and at this time does NOT cantain
 100% of the secrets of the game, though contains ALL necessary parts to the
 completion of ALL 6 levels in the Shareware release.]


 Reptile X & Enos

 Members of XOL
 Alex Mayberry
"Duke 4D"
 Joe Siegler
 3D Realms/Apogee

Also check out XOL's Duke Nukem 3D page on the World Wide Web at

Duke Nukem 3D, Duke3D, it's characters, and their likenesses are trademarks
of 3D Realms/Apogee Entertainment,inc. (C)Copyright 1995-96 3D Realms/Apogee.
All other names and likenesses are trademarks of their respective owners.
This document may be distributed in any shape or form as long as it is in
NO way altered, you must get express permission from Reptile X before
reprinting it.
(C)Copyright 1996 X-OnLine