Installation Instructions: In some instances, you are receiving this software as three self-extracting files, CMTS3A.EXE, CMTS3B.EXE and CMTS3C.EXE. In other instances, the software is distributed as CMTS3A.ZIP, CMTS3B.ZIP, and CMTS3C.ZIP To install this software onto your hard drive, create a directory on your hard drive that will be dedicated to this software. Example: C: (Assuming drive C) MD \CMTS Make that (C:) your default drive and directory. Example: C: (Assuming drive C) CD \CMTS If the software is in the self-extracting format, follow these instructions: Place the disk with CMTS3A.EXE in your floppy drive. Execute the self-extracting program as follows: (Assuming it is drive A:) Example: A:CMTS3A (Do not make the A: drive your default drive). Place the disk with CMTS3B.EXE in your floppy drive. Execute the self-extracting program as follows: (Assuming it is drive A:) Example: A:CMTS3B (Do not make the A: drive your default drive). Place the disk with CMTS3C.EXE in your floppy drive. Execute the self-extracting program as follows: (Assuming it is drive A:) Example: A:CMTS3C (Do not make the A: drive your default drive). In instances where you receive this software in ZIP format or non- compressed format, copy all files to the a directory you have set up for this package. IMPORTANT: Insure that your CONFIG.SYS file contains values at least as great as these: FILES = 40 (or greater) BUFFERS = 20 If you have any difficulty installing this software or have any other comments or questions, please write or call: Torbert Data Systems, Inc. P. O. Box 9218 Chespeake, VA 23321 Voice (804) 488-5506 Support BBS (804) 488-4146