2024-10-27 Traveller Subsector Mapper

The Traveller Subsector Mapper is now no longer running under
Hypnotoad but under Systemd.

The main reason I'm doing this is so that systemd can limit the memory
available to the app. I'm hoping that this will force Perl to
garbage-collect more often and that will show me if I do in fact have
memory leaks in the code. I suspect I do, to be honest.

This is what I'm talking about: The web app uses up to 300MiB of RAM.
Sure, no problem, there's no need to garbage collect if nobody needs
the memory. I still don't like it, though. Probably irrational.

Let's hope this works.

The systemd unit:

    ExecStart=/home/alex/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.40.0/bin/perl \
     /home/alex/farm/traveller.pl \
     daemon --mode production -l http://localhost:4011

I'm using Perlbrew as my user (alex) so this is the tricky part. This
unit guarantees that I'm running the app itself using Perl 5.40.0. In
the app, I rely on this:

    use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
    use File::Basename;
    my $dirname  = dirname($^X);
    plugin Mount => {'/traveller' => "$dirname/traveller"};

It assumes that App:traveller was installed. It finds the traveller
script next to the Perl interpreter. If I need to change the Perl
version again, I only need to change it in the systemd unit.

The Monit config file no longer needs to know about the Perl version:

    check process traveller matching traveller
        start program = "/usr/bin/systemctl start traveller"
        stop program = "/usr/bin/systemctl stop traveller"
        if failed host campaignwiki.org port 443 type tcpssl protocol http
          and request "/traveller" for 5 cycles then restart
        if totalmem > 100 MB for 5 cycles then restart

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2024-10-31. Did the same thing for Hex Describe!