2024-07-12 From Vallorbe to Orbe ================================ We walked and ran from Vallorbe to Orbe, through the Gorge of Orbe, nearly 17km. Both my wife and I took some pictures along the way. When we left Vallorbe, the river was calm and slow. There were a lot of flowers. The yellow flowers in the foreground: Tüpfel-HartheuHypericum perforatum In the other direction, the railway bridge can be seen. Schmalblättriges WeidenröschenEpilobium angustifolium As it turns out, there is a pedestrian passage beneath the railway. And here we're underneath one of these arches, looking back at Vallorbe. Later, the gorge got a lot narrower. We crossed over the river just for bit because there was a nice lookout on the other side. Two friendly teenagers took pictures of us. The water was pretty turbulent up here. We're just above the falls of the Day, though: Le Saut du Day. The small lookout is built right there, overlooking the falls. We walked down along the falls and noticed some weird constructions on the other side. And on our side, there was this foreboding entrance. As it turns out, however, it leads into a passage underneath the waterfall! The sign had an explanation of how there used to be a hydro power plant here. The electricity was used to create explosives. When the canton gave itself the electricity monopoly, the chemical plant was forced to buy the electricity at regular prices and since those were 4–5 times as much, the chemical plant was forced to close down. We continued on our way, with one last look back. Down below the river was calm again. The occasional steps are there to break the speed of the flow, I guess? The trail started climbing up and down along the river. When the cliffs were to risky to navigate, they had drilled small tunnels. Using explosives, I presume. We saw many nice flowers along the way. Further up, along some meadows: Dornige Hauhechel (Artengruppe)Ononis spinosa agg. Fuchsschwanz-KleeTrifolium rubens Deeper in the shade of the trees: Nesselblättrige GlockenblumeCampanula trachelium At one point there was a very cool draft coming out of the bushes above us and we found an entrance to a big tunnel! It had warning signs for speleologists, particularly regarding heat and noise – because of the bats that like to sleep and hibernate in here. We didn't see any bats in our 4–5m delve, however. The floor was very wet. Later, we came upon the pressurized water pipes that still feed a hydro power plant. These pipes are huge! Before arriving at Orbe, there was another lake and more dams. And finally, Orbe. An old town with houses and small gardens. The main road of Orbe. And tiny back-alleys with occasional connections for the upper floors. A great view over the flat lands. Incidentally, the remaining distance to Yverdon-les-bains where our hotel is, doesn't make for great running in the summer heat. Also we were dead tired! 😅 #Switzerland #Pictures #Pictures