2024-05-04 Flowers while walking

Walking around the neighbourhood and taking pictures of flowers…
Usually I identify them using the Flora Incognita app. We also have
the 48th edition of Was blüht denn da? (1986) to consult. 😄

Gewöhnlicher BlasenstrauchColutea arborescens

My favourite flowers for the pink veins and that colour gradient.

Saat-EsparsetteOnobrychis viciifolia agg.

Here we see a typical Zurich tram bottom in the background.

Zypressen-WolfsmilchEuphorbia cyparissias

The tram tracks along Aargauerstrasse are beautiful.

LuzerneMedicago sativa

MargeriteLeucanthemum vulgare agg.

Can't get enough of these… 😍

Saat-EsparsetteOnobrychis viciifolia agg.

Look at these pistils! Claudia knows them as Acker-Witwenblume.

Wiesen-WitwenblumeKnautia arvensis

Skabiosen-FlockenblumeCentaurea scabiosa

Wiesen-SalbeiSalvia pratensis

Gewöhnlicher NatternkopfEchium vulgare

Gewöhnliche AkeleiAquilegia vulgaris agg.

Gewöhnlicher WundkleeAnthyllis vulneraria

BesenginsterCytisus scoparius

Pretty rare by now… Allium ursinum shows up before the deciduous trees
get their leaves in spring and by now almost all trees have their
leaves back.

BärlauchAllium ursinum

Orientalischer BocksbartTragopogon orientalis

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