# Fresh Emacs and other stuff

*Entered: in emacs on Gemini PDA* | 
*Date: 20230115*

## Neovim is nice and all...

My neovim setup is nice. Nicer than my vim setup has ever 
been over the last 25 years. However, emacs is a beast I have
found I enjoy. When I reinstalled Android on the Gemini PDA
for power option functionality, having my current emacs 
config from my GPD Pocket be completely broken on the GPDA 
was a big letdown.

So, I started over on my emacs config. It is still a work in
progress. I may end up starting again before I am happy. The
issue currently is bloat, slow load times. Really, this is 
not much of an issue because I just close the lid and leave 
emacs running in tmux in termux. It does bug me though.

Maybe instead of starting again from scratch, I'll prune and
tweak. When it comes to Emacs Lisp (and lisp in general), I
am below novice level (a copy-and-paster, with the ability to
make common sense changes), so there are likely a whole lot
of things I am doing inefficiently or straight up incorrectly
in my init.el. I have watched a lot of YouTube videos on 
emacs over the past few years, but almost all of them are 
geared towards professional programmers setting up emacs as 
an IDE or a lisp environment. 

I use emacs mainly for org mode and writing this phlog. Org 
agenda plus Orgzly on Android brings my work schedule to my 
personal phone. I also export my agenda to an ICS to share 
with my wife.