# Return to projects

*Entered: in vim on gemini pda* |
*Date: 20220516* |
*Soundtrack: Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Kreig*

## In the past

Years past many time I have written about needing a
project, for example [here][1]. I used to be all about
doing something.

## In the now

I find myself in a laziness. I check into hotels and
watch youtube videos. I travel home and do the same.
Time blurs along. Nothing is gained from it.

## And so...

I want to start having projects again. I think I
would like to start with a gopher (possibly gopher
and gemini) client. I have [recently][2] found
a FreeBasic compiler binary for my Gemini PDA, and
did some poking in my Chæphron gopher client. I
am not really happy with it. It works, but it can
be much better. I think I will start over.

I would also like to maybe bring my [old timer][3]
whittling knife and some small wood pieces with me
on the road. Spread a hotel towel on the floor to
catch shavings, pack some band-aids to stop the
bleeding :D

[1]: gopher://1436.ninja/0/Phlog/20181217.md
[2]: gopher://1436.ninja/0/Phlog/20220515.md
[3]: https://www.amazon.com/Splinter-Traditional-Folding-Whittling-Outdoor/dp/B07TK5P24Y?&linkCode=sl1&tag=shoaib200b-20&linkId=8be0e0ef2380761e5dfab0ce823431ec&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl