# onward, upsomething or other

*Entered: in vim on android tablet* |
*Date: 20210307*

I have been in Pennsylvania and Colorado since last I checked in.
Now I am sitting in my house in Wyoming typing this via a game
controller sized keyboard in vim on an Onn android tablet from

I have been on an alt-history kick for the past little bit. I am
not a flat earther, but I firmly believe everything we were taught
is a lie. So many rabbitholes, such fun.

I have spent the time since the last check in primarily working.
So much to learn going from the oil field to industrial automation.
But, at the same time, so much is the same. I do very much like
being able to get on a plane and leaving after a job. I don't have
to become embroiled in the politics and happenings of any given
spot... even within the company I work for, being a remote employee.

I am planning some new bushcrafty projects as the weather awakes
from winter. I want to acquire some leather and make a smaller sized
haversack. I also have a stack of tanned rabbit hides I bought at
the Mountain Man Museum in Pinedale, Wyoming last year. I will be
thinking of what to do with them (finally).